I had the same issue. messed about for a while and sussed it (so far anyhow).
I don't know how expert you are (or anyone else who find this) so I'll presume not. That way it might help anyone.
First off when I saved the system (writefs) I did it .gzip Should work in the others but thats the one ive got working
{right click the desktop, SliTaz Live, TAZUSB Writefs(gzip)}
Here's what I did from where you are:
open My documents
go to /home/boot/extlinux (in the address bar under help or by clicking -whichever)
click tool, then open current folder as root
enter root password (-default root)
find extlinux.conf and open it note: EXTLINUX, not SYSLINUX
from here there are two or more ways forward:
1..........very safe (if you're carefull and don't delete everything --- not sure how safe if the power fails half way through-- should be ok but this is why we back everything up, right ;))
2.......... probably safe but I didn't ry it on this system yet,.!!
route 1:
you already opened extlinux.conf
pick one of the entries that you are unlikely to use (not sure if you can add an entry- will check that next- it should work)-- I chose LABEL base
copy and paste the entry into a new file called "oldentry" or whatever in tux (or your home directory if that's not it) so you can edit it back if you want to.
edit the second two lines like this
KERNEL /boot/bzImage
APPEND initrd=/boot/rootfs.gz rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin home=LOTS OF NUMBERS COPIED FROM THE ENTRYABOVE lang=en_GB map=uk
I'm not sure if you will need the bit at the end "lang=en_GB map=uk" (in fact I think the last bit should read kmap=uk but you may want to edit them to your own country codes anyway!)
*make sure you looked at the entry where it says "home=" and did like it said!!
click file, save and confirm overwrite.
close all windows and reboot
scroll down to the entry you re wrote and you should boot into your saved system
route 2:
you are in extlinux.conf
you should here be able to add an entry just below where it says
hit return a few times and make space above LABEL slitaz
edit the following in
LABEL my slitaz
MENU LABEL My slitaz or "qwertyuop" or "whatever you like"
KERNEL /boot/bzImage
APPEND initrd=/boot/rootfs.gz rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin home=LOTS OF NUMBERS COPIED FROM ANOTHER ENTRY lang=en_GB map=uk
*edit the lang and kmap bits to your prefs or maybe even delete them- it should ask you on boot if it doesn't know.
**make sure you looked at the entry where it says "home=" and did like it said!!
hit file, save and confirm overwrite
shut up shop and reboot.
Cross your fingers. ;)
this method should boot you into your saved system by default.
Hope this helped,
Sorry it's long and rambling.