After installing packages likes slitaz-toolchain(gcc,make,etc), python, perl, mplayer, abiword, gnumeric, gimp, inkscape, blender, Xfce4, etc my rootfs.gz is near about 300MB and is taking about 1GB of ram. As I want all this softwares and I don't want to install slitaz into a disk partition, I am looking for a solution. Please assist me regarding this problem.

My rootfs.gz has gone too large
(6 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Try using one of the loram flavours' receipt to build a slightly larger iso. It will need your cdrom and HDD swap more, but should use less ram.
Posted 13 years ago # -
you can fully install Slitaz on a partition onto a usb key. Then, beside that, make a light
Live slitaz on the same usb and boot on it. Once you are on your Live session, mount your
usb key (yes, the same) on i.e /media/usbdisk . Therefore , your installed Slitaz with lot of software is visible. Just enter i.e tazpkg link firefox /media/usbdisk , and then your Live Slitaz will read the firefox stuff on your usb to work . Once you tazpkg link everthing you want, just make a writeiso , copy-paste the new rootfs.gz at the place on the old one . (!! If you launch Firefox before writeiso, your /root/.mozilla will be stocked in your Live image, so it will be bigger but faster to Launch next time)
Reboot on your Live and normally you just have to mount your usb on /media/usbdisk to use firefox without having it in your live session.Posted 13 years ago # -
thanks moulefrite! I didn't know about the tazpkg link thing.
You have given me a brilliant idea.
What I did that I created a loop file, extracted rootfs.gz into it and then chrooted into it. There I installed my all packages. Now every time I just have to mount that loop file and that link the packages. It works perfectly. To make things more smooth I just created a script that performs all this.Posted 13 years ago # -
What's a loop file ?
Posted 13 years ago # -
May be my brain is a bit slow from this icy-cold weather:
what you described here, zealkaiser, isn't it the same was ,,tazlito writeiso" does?
Or is my opinion a misunderstanding so that I have to invite you to describe with more detail what exactly you did?Posted 13 years ago #
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