I recently put slitaz cooking onto a vmware esxi host and open gparted, I couldn't detect any disks. Has anyone had any luck getting slitaz to recognize vmware disks?
Thanks in advance - Skrmish

VMWare Disks not detected
(3 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
yes,it did happen with me,what i did is just changed the virtual disk type from "SCSI" TO IDE and then i detected my disk.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Problem still exists with Slitaz 4.0 RC2 and Vmware Workstation 7.1.5
vmware SCSI disks NOT detected by Slitaz 4.0 RC2
vmware IDE disks detected OK by Slitaz 4.0 RC2Posted 13 years ago #
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