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not resolved Is 0.40.0 yad-html compiled or is this a old build ? 3 offternet 2 months
not a support question Add Julia Programming language into Slitaz Repository. 2 HGT 2 months
not a support question is there a way to force package list update, not all packages listed. 2 offternet 2 months
resolved Dropbear package update is always offered 10 jp73 3 months
resolved xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin is outdated 2 HGT 5 months
resolved Thunderbird - disable automatic updates 5 shann 6 months
not a support question VLC won't start - 2 24 NarakuITA 6 months
resolved GIMP in French - package locale-fr-extra 7 R8 6 months
resolved Mplayer dependency on cooking 32bit 5 shann 7 months
resolved Seamonkey web browser installs but not launch 8 shann 7 months
not resolved Trobrowser 32bits 1Go ram 4 shann 11 months
not a support question JustX and application 3 LonnieTC 1 year
resolved xscreensaver - error geting password 13 jp73 1 year
resolved python3 pentium M 1,70GHz 32bits 1G Mem slitaz5 2 shann 1 year
not resolved Package request: libqtwebkit (update) 7 jwmh 1 year