The last time I used Slitaz was when version 3 came out. But since I always used Slackware I wen back to it, before I used slax and settled with my own version of Porteus/Slax. I am building my own 3D-printer( and have all the linux software needed to run a 3D-Printer, I have no idea on how Slitaz works right now, so I tried Godane's Modular Slitaz because I though I could import my modules, however I have been unable to import from my system because I have ext4 in my computer. I am running linux 3.10.17 with squashfs and patched aufs , I am able to build the Slitaz modular system using tazpkg and get an iso build and running. If anybody is interested I can offer the modules in tar.gz an maybe give them a try.

3D Printer
(1 post) (1 voice)-
Posted 11 years ago #
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