>Alexander, I did not want to hurt you.
T____T Jist kidding)
;) Google Translator was here. I've used it to create some phrases. All these English verb times, past perfect and past indefinite...
The best cooker, as I see it, should ask you only source URL :|
We can use large Debian base for filling ShortDesc and WebSite. Analizing URL it's no hard to determine Tarball and method of source fetching (SF mirror, git, Hg, etc).
I can't say any automotion about compile rules, but at least, it's not hard to show configure optional keys.
Building package rules most simple. Copy all but dev files, man & info, locale files. If dev files exists, then create dev-package. Man- and locale-package at your taste.
Now stripping, and auto depend list. I've created script to fill Depends in receipt. But it works only with regular (C/C++) apps. I can't deal with Python depends.
We have simple and not so useful interactive mode in cook. I think we can write many improvements to it, to help us write receipts.
On the other side, I think about non-interactive regular job. One of it -- binary files stripping (now implemented). I have a concept of Non Interactive Cook Enhancer (NICE). Have no time to write it, here only one configuration shell script in attachment... But, I think you'll get the idea!
- nice.txt (3.8 KB, 796 downloads) 11 years old