Is there a 64 bit version available? I have a machine with amd 2 dual processor and need something that's 64 bit.

64 bit version?
(25 posts) (10 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Sorry, there is no 64 bit SliTaz
Posted 13 years ago # -
Is it possible for you to create a 64 bit version? Afaik, the kernel only needs to be changed
Posted 13 years ago # -
Not just the kernel - the majority system sensitive packages (like xorg-* and linux-*) need to be rebuilt so they work on a 64bit system as well. The i386 packages may work and run on a 64bit system, but won't take full advantage of what the multiple cores can offer...
There has been plans for a 64bit version, but it never got further than a recompile of the kernel, modules and xorg to work.
Posted 13 years ago # -
ok, here's what I planned on doing. I have built a distro explicitly for android development, I can use the slitaz 32 bit as I am running it as I type this. There is a work around for compiling android with a 32 bit. The thing is, I need a system small in size such as slitaz so I can fit all the software and tools on it and fit it on a cd. See here:!!-64bit(updated-7-23-11)
To be able to install the software and tools on slitaz, I need to be able to use apt-get commnad among some other things. Can you give me some commands for the terminal to help accomplish this? Slitaz seems to be nice and smooth and visually appealing for such a small size!
Posted 13 years ago # -
A few things you should note (and we get this a lot) is that SliTaz was made from scratch using the Linux kernel. It's not derived from Debian or Fedora like many other, so naturally it doesn't natively supports either repository.
SliTaz does however have the powerful package manager called tazpkg with it's own packages system and repository. Think of tazpkg like aptitude and apt-get all in one (except it doesn't give file sizes, but that's minor). It also has a nice little feature called convert which allows you to convert over packages from other distributions (generally debian and ubuntu packages work well). I've actually converted over a few myself ( although the process isn't exactly pain free or overly clean (can be corrected with this guide: ) and for some packages you just can't convert them without dragging half of gnome with it.
You can also search through the repository for already created package using tazpkg search (or the website or you can dig through packages by the devs @
Alternatively, since your seeking a small debian based distro, you may consider looking at the Puppy Linux fork named Lupu ( which was built off Ubuntu. It's pretty small, fast and can use both Puppy Linux and Ubuntu packages.
Posted 13 years ago # -
But puppy linux uses persistent and is tricky trying to install to hdd
Posted 13 years ago # -
I'm bumping this thread to see if there has been any work on a 64-bit version of Slitaz and to gauge interest. I saw some threads that said that after dbus were integrated 64-bit might become a higher priority.
First let me say that I have used practically every major distribution at one time or another over the past 18 years and Slitaz is fantastic. One of the most painful things has always been creating a custom-spin. Last week I used tazlito to generate a front-end to one of our racks, replacing a $2600 KVM solution with a $650 diskless laptop. It took 3 days from reading the documentation and booting my first Slitaz disk to a completely finished and very polished solution, complete with custom branding, integrated menu choices, and PXE Boot integration. This was in no small part due to the clean design and excellent tool-set from the Slitaz team. I used another small-but-capable distro a few months ago for something similar and ... well, let's just say there was more than one reason I was looking for another distro this time around.
My interest in 64-bit Slitaz stems from the fact that I run dozens of KVM-based virtual machines that are customized to specific projects on my primary laptop. I used to use Centos as my host because we use it on all our servers, but it's too difficult to get all of the features of modern laptops to work properly. I switched to Mint because of better hardware recognition and tighter integration of non-free software (over Ubuntu), but I had to compile the whole tool-chain for a spice-based KVM interface from scratch, which means if and when I upgrade I'll have to do it all over again.
While working on the interface last week, it occurred to me that Slitaz would be a perfect 'micro-distribution' to use as a host for a VM-heavy environment like my laptop, but only if it has 64-bit support.
I am willing to donate my time and server resources on our lab cluster to a 64-bit Slitaz project if there is sufficient interest to warrant it. I would also be pleased to create the taz packages necessary to support the latest KVM/Virt-Manager/Spice Client tool chain. I have 4 cores, 250GB of storage and 4GB of RAM that I could provide for this project immediately. The cluster will be upgraded within a few months and at that time I could provide as much processing power, storage and memory as would be required.
Please let me know if there is any interest in the community or the development team for 64-bit Slitaz and/or using Slitaz as a KVM host.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I am also willing to donate my time on compling 64 bit packages for Slitaz. By this week end i will set up the chrooted development for slitaz 64bit as suggested in the documentation.
Currently i cannot install Slitaz in my laptop because most of my hardware is not supported in kernel 2.6. i will be setting the development environment in a virtual machine
Posted 12 years ago # -
Hi @jfreivald and @Hamerins
This is now one month I'm working on SliTaz port to ARM and x86_64. I coded a new tool called 'cross' and actually a single 'cross compile' (with an appropriate cross.conf) will build a full toolchain for the target host. I focused on ARM and cross work fine for this arch but more work is needed for x86_64. The goal is to use the current main wok and only modify receipts if needed but use the same wok for i486/arm/x86_64, this also mean modification to our packages builder (cook) and to the packages manager (it must use x86_64 repo and handle packages name such as:
Cook is almost ok for cross compiling, tazpkg dont handel multiarch but spk (next generation packages manager) does. I can actually boot an ARM distro and install online packages.
So I'm very interested by your help and to have a dedicated build host since I'm curently cross compiling on our main server aka Tank. That said, if we have a 64 bits machine as build host we can do native build and dont need to cross-compile for x86_64, but cook still need to be improved and handle for example GCC -m64 when building packages. Here is the web interfaces for x86_64 and an example of a cross compiled package (when the dev chroot is up and running, we have a cron wich call 'cooker' each hour and automaticaly build packages, so after the cross tools are ok we can focus on packages)
A pkg build:
ARM toolchain:'m actually rebuilding the x86_64 toolchain using the sysroot method. Guys, we can have a custom domain for the x86_64 cooker, you can get access to SliTaz Hg repos, etc... no limits :-)
- Christophe
Posted 12 years ago # -
This is excellent news. The ARM port is very cool.
How do we carry this discussion offline?
Posted 12 years ago # -
We can get in touch via mail on I'm on IRC at the moment. While I switched to the sysroot method on ARM I tested it with x86_64, a few fixes later here is the new x86_64 toolchain:
Like in ARM one have to edit a croos.conf config file then run 'cross compile' to get a working x86_64 toolchain. I used glibc (ARM use eglibc) 2.13 but currently compiling to get same glibc 2.14.1 wich is used in i486.
- Christophe
Posted 12 years ago # -
I have provisioned an install of slitaz 4.0 on the cluster that includes 65GB of disk, 4x2.9GHz cores and 4 GB of RAM. It is provisioned as an x86_64 system, but has the stock i486 slitaz installation + tightvnc, openssh and a couple other packages.
We will need to discuss security and have an exchange of keys for you to access the server. Email me at the address in my profile.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I'm bumping this old thread. I have built a full (native) x86_64 environment thanks to crosstool from rolling-core64. I have cooked about one hundred packages including gcc. So, now, I can building package without cross compiler. But, I have no server to upload it. It could be interesting to create an official x86_64 repository?
Posted 10 years ago # -
Creating a repo is easy, but finding knowledgeable contributors to maintain it is next to impossible.
There are packages in the arm repo that can't be used because the packages they depend on won't build.Posted 10 years ago #
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