I too
Artwork for 4.0
(52 posts) (24 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
I like the slitaz-brown-yellowlight.png image.
Posted 13 years ago # -
You might want to try a green and brown theme, I think it looks goodPosted 13 years ago #
I think the cooking version brown is beautiful. (29-03-2011).
But why is there no spider incoperated in the art work. That is one of slitaz unique symbols.
ThanksPosted 13 years ago # -
I like the red spider as used in the slitaz network menu items from the updated latest cooking version of slitaz.
Posted 13 years ago # -
it's funny , because I remember there was a discution about Slitaz main color theme .
It was Violet against Brown as was Ubuntu .now Ubuntu is getting violet and Slitaz is getting brown !
Posted 13 years ago # -
christian i too but more brightest and a brown kde 4.6 theme with the last 2010 coocking release panels brown humanity icons, adapt the package manager syse and add icons on the lef side of the apps names and finaly add a auto backup system to save the changes evert 3 minutes
Posted 13 years ago # -
Only for inspiration of line style
Gtk theme: Shiki-Colors (use Dust variation) need MurrineSVN engine
http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Shiki-Colors?content=86717Openbox theme: Shiki-Colors
http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Shiki-Colors+for+Openbox?content=118358Icon theme: Gnome colors (use human or dust variation)
http://gnome-look.org/content/download.php?content=86717&id=3&tan=98154133&PHPSESSID=5d59764381def579c179dc2158820a80Posted 13 years ago # -
I can try and fix something, just gotta get my liveusb working as it should first, been working on theming for years on e107, phpfusion, world of warcraft addons, so i think this can be a sweet challangePosted 13 years ago #
sorry by mistake I uploaded the pictures before :-P
Hello guys!
Then according to the people who frequent this forum would like a theme orange-brown-black. I redid the theme from scratch as well as the background image, since it was difficult to do something nice with these colors do not much resemble the old ubuntu, I did some nuance. The theme is still in beta (beta1) and I'm working, but before continuing let me know if you like and if I can continue on this road. Obviously I have to apply many ideas I have for the mind that would make it nicer, but first I must know if you like and if I can continue. The theme should appeal to everyone ;-)Look at the pictures and let me know, I hope it is quite original but fashionable and above all not too similar to other distributions of linux
PS: I love all the icons square in order to give a sense of innovation and distinction from other versions and then give you a nice contrast!
The theme I will call "Sunset " because she gives me the same good feeling of the sun, illuminating everything with sweetness, at the sunset of my Sicily! GreetingsPosted 13 years ago # -
Hi Iancilos
Very very nice theme :) Would you share icons and theme in a .zip or tazpkg ?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi Moulefrite,
Be a bit patient... Iancilos artwork will be include and used for SliTaz 4.0!!! I also love is work :-)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi @iancilos,
I'm using the new cooking with your theme and i need to say it looks AWESOME!!! Many thanks for this :D
Posted 13 years ago # -
My PicturePosted 13 years ago #
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