I did install the slitaz-rolling-core.iso on two 32 bit PC's (Dell OPTIPLEX SX280 w. Pentium)
a/ using the Slitaz installer, you can't preserve the facility consisting in don't need some password for "tux".
b/ and you are not free concerning user name and passwords.
It is a terrible inconvenient for user having large disc and wishing to have the same entries on all the disc to avoid difficulties in file access!
It is bad...
Purely bad...
Please let the users of SliTaz be free what they do! SliTaz is not Microsoft, is not Redhat, is not Suse pro!
(It is relatively new: precedent versions did not require predefined name length or password length and it was possible to preserve the special advantage from tux if I well remember simply by letting the entry so in the installer and not writting at all in the field "user name" or "user password"!)
Installing in the Sakura-Monitor, you don't need to touch at root or tux. All is ok as in the past... I did erase the first tentative of installation and reinstall out the Sakura-Monitor... But I find it is not normal to have inconvenients using the beautiful installation's menu in the SliTaz panel...
c/ Using "Slitaz Config Dialogs" I did try to change only a few parameters (keyboard, locale, set-date). The most important matters for me was to have the right language as well as the right keyboard and the right time on the screen. But I have after that only the right language!
The keyboard is wrong, and
the time is wrong. And
it is not possible to connect to localhost and set cups...
After changing somewhat in "Slitaz Config Dialogs" the PC become extremly slow and you have to wait an eternity before you can do somewhat.
After full reboot the PC become normal again and is fast...
... but it bring false settings :-( !
My keyboard is "ch" and it works well with setxkbmap ch
"Slitaz Config Dialogs" set it to de_CH. Why for the devil ?!? This definition is wrong! But more: If I edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to adapt better the setting in the definitions file 40-Keyboard.conf to the really needing value "ch" ("ch" is not a variant from "de" and "ch_FR" is not a variant from "fr": "fr" is totaly different from "ch_FR", but both "ch" or "ch_DE", it is equivalent, and "ch_FR" are about the same: only 3 keys differe!), AFTER REBOOT the system did overwrite the good setting value with the wrong one! Why? It is a stupid automatic setting!
HOW TO AVOID THAT now (it is on the PC of my wife: She will not hack each day / each reboot to use the right keyboard! How to protect my new entry in 40-Keyboard.conf against the nonsens produced by the system itself! It is urgent because she will become aggressive against SliTaz and I must change back for all the future returning to Debian... Debian 8 works good! No problem! Only the integration of Midori / Xombrero is better in SliTaz).
Over that, it was necessary to answer an spying question concerning my location! Why will MY computer MY location! It doen't need that! I would understand if after that the computer would show the correct time but it doesn't,,, Please don't save values touching the discretion!
Midori doesn't preserve the url values in "https" (my provider is gmx.net with a free mail box. In konqueror if I enter "https://gmx.net" I get a https connection. If I use SliTaz's midori, that version of midori accept to redirect the url as pre programmed by the smudged provider and I get a simple "http" connection! Ok, I can also use Xombrero, both are based on the same internal browser machine, but as SliTaz prefers "nano" against "vim" though "vim" is probably better and usuable in both console and Xwindow mode, and uses midori as standard browser, I did try to use it as proposed...)
Oh, I see, it is not possible in TazWeb to use the spell checking? And in Midori?
(I did install aspell and the adequate language packages for de/en/es/fr/it/nl/pl/ru, they are all languages interessting me highly... but I don't know how to use them and commute them if you are changing the language. In Seamonkey, it is absolutely easy: hit on right mouse key and select one of the proposed languages in the little edit window of the forum! But the Seamonkey release in SliTaz is terribly old. No kompoZer in SliTaz excepted using Seamonkey with parameter -edit ?)
Kind regards