Thanks to the documentation of SliTaz base system constructed with Kernel 2.6.37, Busybox-1.18.4, nano-2.0.6, ncurses-5.7, dialog-1.1, Rhapsody-0.28b, file manager Ytree-1.84, browser Lynx2.8.7, etc. ..
I had problems with UDHCPC eth0 not recognized, so I had to compile and configure the kernel again (.config) in the core my eth0, and fortunately everything went well, and I've been browsing the web with my "little system-Live CD "and visit the page Slitaz with my browser Lynx .. (it's exciting!) but there are many things to fix ...
Now I have left to work with System X to try to give graphical environment, which I did some testing with X Vesa and almost walked .. (just saw a mouse) .. hahaha
This is not professional, I'm just an amateur, and is a very rewarding personal challenge, so I learned a lot ...
All this thanks to the documentation which teaches SliTaz build a base system from scratch. -
Thank you very much. -