Starting Apache Web Server: Apache... WARNING: The 'PassengerUseGlobalQueue' option is obsolete: global queueing is now always turned on. Please remove this option from your configuration file.
[ Failed ]
apache server start error
(26 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 8 years ago #
The "failed" is added by tazpkg to say something went wrong (the warning in your case), but apache may well be running anyway.
Posted 8 years ago # -
I have download slitaz rolling core 64 till 31-jan-2016.I installed on intel dn2800mt motherboard then update all packages.I want to make server to slitaz.My problem is in all process is
1) com32r image error (when booting slitaz)
2) Starting Apache Web Server: Apache... WARNING: The 'PassengerUseGlobalQueue' option is obsolete: global queueing is now always turned on. Please remove this option from your configuration file.
[ Failed ] (slitaz is installed then i update packages then installed apache2,php,curl,perl,pear,python.) (How to solve this?)
3) The "failed" is added by tazpkg to say something went wrong (the warning in your case), but apache may well be running anyway (tazpkg may be working or may be not working. When i install packages through command then working and when i try to install through slitaz panel then is not working.It stills show installing but never goes further.Now how to solve this?)
4) I want to access taz panel through ip like can i do?I think there is firewall
5) I need to install webmin.How to install?
6) How to upgrade slitaz from one version to another e.g if i want to install from version 1 to version 2. Is it possible to upgrade?
7) If is it possible to upgrade then my all packages and data is comes to new version?Posted 8 years ago # -
2) Did you test apache? It may be running despite the warning.
6) No, you cannot upgrade from one release to another (e.g. from SliTaz 3.0 to SliTaz 4.0).
7) But of course you can update packages "inside" a given release. As root:
tazpkg up
Posted 8 years ago # -
yes i tested but didnt run. when i start apache through command line it shows working but when i test it desnt and when i saw errors it seems this error
[Wed Feb 10 10:32:50.381789 2016] [ssl:warn] [pid 16227:tid 4149180160] AH01906: server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
[Wed Feb 10 10:32:50.382350 2016] [ssl:warn] [pid 16227:tid 4149180160] AH01909: server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Wed Feb 10 10:32:50.422132 2016] [proxy_balancer:emerg] [pid 16228:tid 4149180160] AH01177: Failed to lookup provider 'shm' for 'slotmem': is mod_slotmem_shm loaded??
[Wed Feb 10 10:32:50.422291 2016] [:emerg] [pid 16228:tid 4149180160] AH00020: Configuration Failed, exitingWhat i have done first install slitaz then go to tazpanel and search apache.It shows me apache with version number 2.4.16 then i select for install then install.
when i see in demons in slitaz panel it show me 2 web server one is for httpd (its running and i think slitaz panel is running with this) and 2nd is apache that i have to installed but not working.
What i wanted is slitaz panel is working on httpd and my website is hosted on apache with port 8080 and many more.i have more than 20 domains that i wanted to host, thats why i not going with httpd.I also wanted to access slitaz panel through remotely.
One more thing after upgrade apache i didnt install any package through tazpanel it still shows installing but never goes further after selecting the packages and click on install but through command line all the packages are installed
Posted 8 years ago # -
When you install apache it replaces busybox httpd.
So if Tazpanel works, apache works... but apparently Tazpanel is not working right.1) Is apache responsible for the non-working Tazpanel? Before installing apache, open Tazpanel and try to install some other package: does it work?
2) To be sure that the running httpd is apache, I'd try in this order:
close Tazpanel
# /etc/init.d/httpd stop # tazpkg -gi apache # /etc/init.d/apache start
then open Tazpanel. Does it open?
3) If Tazpanel has opened, try to install some other package: does it work?
PS: how do you test apache?
Posted 8 years ago # -
Apache will start if:
Change in /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Uncomment=>LoadModule slotmem_shm_module share/apache/modules/
Add this=>PidFile /var/run/
Add this=>ServerName localhost
Change in /etc/init.d/apache
PIDFILE=/var/run/apache.pidPS: how do you test apache?
I did no testing beyond using top to see if it's running and "pscan localhost" to see if port 80 was open.
busybox httpd=> /usr/sbin/httpd -p 82 -u root -c /etc/slitaz/httpd.conf -r TazPanel Authentication - Default: root:root
apache=> /usr/bin/httpd -k startPosted 8 years ago # -
In my case i have 2 web servers one is httpd that works with busy box and tazpanel and2nd is apache.Please see picture.
tazpanel is working but there is a problem in installing packages.I am installing packages through command line then packages will be installed but when i am installing packages through tazpanel then it still shows installing but never goes futher.Tazpanel is fully functional except installing packages.
How to test httpd with tazpanel and busybox?
my server ip address is give static ip.When i access through this ip its show me httpd is working.Port number is 80.see pictureHow to test apache?
I change the apache port number to 8080.When i am access this ip doesn't show me anything.But dirctory of apache is same (/var/www).Posted 8 years ago # -
Posted 8 years ago #
Hi anuj,
1) You did not answer: does Tazpanel work before you install apache?
2) Your picture shows no pid for apache, so probably it's not started. See mojo's post to know how to check if it's running. Did you see his post? You have to follow his advice.
Posted 8 years ago # -
> tazpanel...boot.cgi?daemons
This part of tazpanel works improperly for at least 2 years, since /run and /var/run differs.Posted 8 years ago # -
thanks to all member to reply me.Thanks mojo
Now apache is working.
But i have more problems
1) I cannt install packages through tazpanel.Please see picture
2) system doesnt shutdown properly.
3) Google chrome not startedThanks again apache is working now
Posted 8 years ago # -
How to do apache start in startup?
Posted 8 years ago # -
Add "apache" to the line "RUN_DAEMONS" in /etc/rcS.conf .
As for your other questions:
1) I think this is due to having both apache and busybox httpd running. You still haven't answered to my question #1 here Be more precise.
3) Try to start it from a terminal to see error messages.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Busybox httpd and apache can be run on the same computer at the same time provided they're configured so there are no conflicts.Tazpanel/Boot/Manage daemons apache fix using apache configuration in my previous reply.
Open /var/www/tazpanel/boot.cgi as root in text editor.
[ "$name" = "apache" ] && pid=$(cat /var/run/$name/
[ "$name" = "apache" ] && pid=$(cat /var/run/
Posted 8 years ago #
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