I have a i486 CPU with 512 MB RAM. I want to install SliTaz to it. It does not have a hard drive but a Compact flash drive of 2GB. I want to install SliTaz to this Compact Flash but it is not detected by SliTaz as it is not shown in GParted Partition Editor. Is it possible for me to install SliTaz to this system. If yes, then guide me through it.

Installing SliTaz to my Compact Flash
(16 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
to install slitaz on your flash card using this program
it allows you to install slitaz on any device including your flash cardI apologize for any grammatical errors :) I'm Italian
Posted 13 years ago # -
The link you gave is probably to create a USB installer. I don't want to create USB installer. I want to isntall SliTaz in my Compact Flash and Compact Flash is not USB flash drive.Posted 13 years ago # -
So how is your CF attached to the system, then?
I used a CF-card in an IDE-adapter, which meant (since CF has its own controller and is therefore identified as an IDE device) that it showed up in BIOS as well as in GPartEd as a hard drive.
Do you have an OS on that CF yet? Booting some system like Xandros on an EEEPc?
You see, there has to be some way your computer is communicating with the CF; knowing this it will be easier to help you.
Options might be:
- IDE-adapter -> then you might just install Slitaz using GRUB as boot manager
- USB-adapter -> then ThunderOver's link might be just right, since CF will be detected as USB flash deviceSo please identify your interface, then there might be a solution soon..
Posted 13 years ago # -
You can use the same "universal usb installer" for compact flash
Watch this images ------> http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/5750/loooka.png
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi all,
ThunderOver is correct you can attach your compact flash card, SD card, USB disk, etc and then use tazusb on SliTaz or a third party tool on windows. That said you may want to try TazUSB for Windows:
Posted 13 years ago # -
I am using a custom Single Board Computer which has an option for onboard Compact Flash. So I am not sure whether its on IDE on USB but I think its on neither of them. I currently do not have any OS on that flash but I do want to isntall SliTazx on it
I wanted to upload the User Manual but it exceeds 100kb size so I am adding a google doc link of user manual of my board. On this board CN24 is CF connector
https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B6Z-tQTbpCo6YmYwNGNiMDctNWY0Zi00YTNlLTljYjMtYWNlY2M4MWZlOTE0&hl=en_US@ThunderOver @pankso
Yaa I can make a Live USB using those links you have given but instead I want to install the SliTaz in my compact Flash. In Live USB OS is loaded each time I boot from USB instead of which I want to grub and boot record to be on my CF so that OS is directly loaded from therePosted 13 years ago # -
This is what I tried. I had an other machine Intel Dual Core which has CF Card Reader. So I put my CF in that machine and install Slitaz as Grub Manager using this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0BIhEMMTAM.
It was installed on dev/sdb1 partition as I already had a hard disk on Dual core system
But when I rebooted my machine Intel Dual system for SliTaz to start it showed an error 21
Error 21:Selected disk does not exist
So In command line mode at grub I entered find /boot/grub/stage1 which returned (hd0,0) So I changed my root (hd0,0). Now the machine could find the root but not the partition sdb1. It gave an error. VFS: Cannot open root device "sdb1" or unknown block (0,0). What should I change my partition to?Posted 13 years ago # -
@Filou Well I found that the CF is connected through SCSI instead of IDE and SATA. SliTaz doesn't load the package for scsi drives probably.That's why its probably not detecting my CF. What should I do now?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Not sure about the real possibilities of your board since I can't test it, but there might be some hints in the manual you referred to:
Chapter 1.2 refers to the CF card as SSD and refers to external SPI on Flash memory up to 4 MB.
Chapter 2.1.4 details how to configure BIOS iot be able to boot for a dos-type OS from SPI
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Peripheral_Interface_Bus might offer some help)Chapter talks about USB Host without referring to CF, so there should be no cennection here.
Chapter gives some info about the CF. There's info that the CF is attached to a SECONDARY IDE-channel (with master/slave on first channel that meant that CF will be on /dev/sdc or /dev/sdd, respectively hdd2,0 or hdd3,0). Be sure that the BIOS setting ensures that this channel is active.
I guess that SPI will be a dead end, but might give the clue: I'd fiddle around with BIOS settings and try the GRUB parameters for master disk on 2nd IDE channel...
Good luck.
Posted 13 years ago # -
The CF card should be recognized and install just like a hard drive. Some CF cards will not work when attached to an IDE adapter, make sure your CF card is compatible with the IDE/ATA of your system and that it shows up in the BIOS.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Also, in regard to @Filou post,drive letter designation is dependent upon the system config. If there is only one drive atached, and it is a scsi drive, it will be designated as sda no matter what controller channel it is attached to. If it is the only drive it will never be sdc or sdd. Also, in slitaz the designation MAY be hdx instead of sdx depending on the controller type. Your controller is likely hdx as it is an IDE controller. So, if the drive is the master drive on the secondary IDE controller it would be /dev/hdc. You may have to set the BIOS to boot from this drive, and/or install grub on the boot drive, and/or add slitaz to the existing bootloader to get it to boot.
Note to @pankso: Why do we use the legacy IDE/PATA drivers instead of current libata/PATA? It would be nice to be able to refer to drives in the way most other current systems designate them, rather than this legacy system.
Posted 13 years ago # -
I installed Slitaz on CF using a CF => SATA adapter. Workes fine.
Posted 13 years ago # -
@bb As I already told my I have customised Single Board Computer which has onboard slot for CF Card. My BIOS do recognises my CF card even other Linux like Ubuntu does but my Slitaz doesn't. The reason which I can figure out is that SLitaz core doesn't support the onboard slot which I said might be on SCSI(I still have doubts which on which port is my onboard CF Card). So I probably will try to get an USB/IDE/Sata Adapter to use my CF Card.
I was looking at the link http://vanilla.slitaz.org/index.php?p=/discussion/1861/solved-slitaz-and-scsi/p1 which has a link for scsi support iso but sadly my i486 dosen't support that kernel. So I think If I will have to rebuild the kernel If i want to put CF card on same onbiard slot
@linuxfinder I was able to install Slitaz on CF on other CPU but not with my current i486 board.Posted 13 years ago # -
Yes @gunjannigam I read about your board. The manual says it is IDE. You say SCSI. I don't have the board, so I can't check. If SCSI, then yes, you need drivers that are not there in stock, and compiling new kernel would be necessary. If IDE it should work, probably drive is /dev/hdc, just need to tell bios to boot from that drive. Are any drives listed at /dev/disk/by-id? Basically, if it is not listed there, it was not recognized. If it was not recognized, you'll need a driver.
IDE seems most likely since CF cards usually have IDE support and simply plug in to the IDE host adapter (with an adapter, of course, due to size)
Posted 13 years ago #
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