This is the update instruction how to install xfce on slitaz
1. Open text editor
2. Copy this code and paste on text editor
tazpkg -gi gtk-xfce-engine
tazpkg -gi gtk2-engine-murrine
tazpkg -gi libxfce4ui
tazpkg -gi libxfce4ui-dev
tazpkg -gi libxfcegui4
tazpkg -gi xfce-utils
tazpkg -gi xfce4
tazpkg -gi xfce4-appfinder
tazpkg -gi xfce4-dev-tools
tazpkg -gi xfce4-icon-theme
tazpkg -gi xfce4-mixer
tazpkg -gi xfce4-notifyd
tazpkg -gi xfce4-panel
tazpkg -gi xfce4-ristretto
tazpkg -gi xfce4-session
tazpkg -gi xfce4-settings
tazpkg -gi xfce4-slitaz-config
tazpkg -gi xfce4-volumed
tazpkg -gi xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
tazpkg -gi xfwm4
tazpkg -gi xfwm4-themes
tazpkg -gi upower
tazpkg -gi terminal
tazpkg -gi thunar-vfs
tazpkg -gi thunar-volman
tazpkg -gi thunar-archive-plugin
tazpkg -gi tango-icon-theme
for index1 in $(find /usr/share/icons/ -name index.theme -type f)
DIRICON="$(dirname $index1)"
[ -f $DIRICON/icon-theme.cache ] && rm -f $DIRICON/icon-theme.cache
gtk-update-icon-cache $DIRICON
3. Save as "" and Close text edi
4. Run this command
sh [path]/
To switch to xfce desktop environment
1. logout root and login to user account
2. Go to Slitaz default applications. On window manager, select xfce4-session
3. logout then login again
About broken icons on xfce-application-menu. It is weird that xfce4-panel reads instead of