I've recently received a email message from Dropbox about their new system requirements after October, 15.
As I've found SliTaz to be rock solid (except when there are kernel upgrades and i forget to change the boot code...), I sync Dropbox in all my devices using Slitaz (rolling). So, in a few days i will be unable to use dropbox in all my the machines, or i'll need to install it on another system...
I was advised about this machines:
Aqui estão alguns dispositivos que talvez você precise atualizar:
oldslitaz, unknown distro, ext4 file system
slitaz-mag, unknown distro, ext4 file system
slitaz-mag2, unknown distro, ext4 file system
nouveauslitaz, unknown distro, ext4 file system
The new system requirements are that the filesystem is ext4, so i'm covered in that aspect... And the system must be running glibc 2.19 or higher, witch is not the case in SliTaz, where the glibc version is 2.14.1...
So, to avoid a massive work changing the operating system and forcefly quiting Slitaz for the effect of reinstalling dropbox, i ask if there is any plan to upgrade glibc, if there isn't, is it possible to upgrade it to 2.19 version, and if not, how can i try to compile it from source?
Thanks. Any help is appreciated!