I the new iso slitaz-rolling-core64 at http://download.tuxfamily.org/slitaz/iso/rolling/ from yesterday start with difficulty on my laptop needing an Intel 915. X does not appear but it is possible to enter Strg+Ctrl+Backspace fast 6..8 time and console loggin is offered. after loggin as root / pswd root, make directly a tazx and reactualize the frisch started system. after that, the graphic mode is available correctly.
the new installer seems to be a "fausse-couche"... he hardly requires a cdrom but I will offer him no one as I use no CD/DVD and no USB key are they are terrible for the environment: the iso is in /root ! but it doesn't accept that logic...
(the old presentation of the installer was better: the user has had an good overview, here, you don't what will happen, if somewhat happens...)
what kind of packages can rolling-core64 accept? real 64 bit ones or 32 bit or both?