funny - I tried now really 10 times on my eee-PC it hangs in German and all other languages

Talks about cooking status/bugs/suggestions/etc
(174 posts) (21 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Just downloaded the iso which is the same size than the one i downloaded jan 17th but seems to have a different md5sum.... is this a new rolling version uploaded recently ?
Posted 12 years ago # -
do you have a pc with a reset button?
does boot hangs on restart too?
sometimes i have the 5% problem in hd install too, but never when i restart from other OS, only when i boot from cold pc.Posted 12 years ago # -
@ christophe yes its new - from 30. 01
@ ernia - this eee-pc does not have a restet button, but its the same if I boot first to another OS and go then to restart
Posted 12 years ago # -
thanks kultex, i have no time (and probably not enough skills) to fix it, but it does affect hd install to, not at every bot but sometime it happens.
putting some sleep 15 inside scripts to have time to read messages makes problem disappear, has the old root delay trick already been tried?Posted 12 years ago # -
rootdelay does not change anything - - I think it has something to do with syslinux
I will try on sunday to change isolinux from old iso to the iso from 30. with isomaster
Pascal - you did all the syslinux changes - why the first line - Start SliTaz - disappeard in the first boot screen?
Posted 12 years ago # -
I had the problem in hd install where sydlinux is not involved, i don't think that it could be the reason why. does some check on /proc before to call soundconf (where the 5% message come from) and then locale got set.
I would check mountpoint and sequences inside scriptPosted 12 years ago # -
Ernia I think you already solved it!
there must be just set locale before starting soundcard.conf
and it explains also, that it does not effect all computers, because, when soundcard is detected before, then soundconf will not start and ask for locale...
# Start soundconf to config driver and load module for Live mode
67 # if not yet detected.
68 /usr/bin/amixer >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/soundconfPosted 12 years ago # -
someone should try your guess, i'm trying tu up qt to 4.8.4 and to pack calibre for slitaz, i cannot shutdown pc because it's almost always building something.
i don't think it's so easy but when i'll end with calibre i'll try to understand.
also debugging dbus and udisks would be important, there is a lot of work to do...Posted 12 years ago # -
@kultex: I want to force people to choose a keyboard and avoid launching X11 twice during boot (for keyboard and locale selection)
Posted 12 years ago # -
@pascal - thats a good idea, if evrything is working, but for me it was the only possibility to start the iso....
@ernia - there is a lot to do, but I think its necessary to get cooking to boot proper... I will try tomorrow wit bootoption sound=no - this should avoud soundconf
Posted 12 years ago # -
i rebooted and got 5% error :-)
i can confirm that the bug should be in soundconf. in my case it has been called by in the elif case in sound configuration : /usr/bin/amixer >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/soundconf
i putted an echo "string" at row 330 where soundconf starts and the string has been echoed and then dreaded 5% box appeared...debug go on :-)
PS it's a timing problem, today a removed a sleep 15 which was before the sound if-elif-else and ta-dah, 5% is back.
could be something related to /proc not already be mounted?
back to qtwebkit2...Posted 12 years ago # -
just as info - in erlier versions of cooking, there was more info - there was the 5% and
canntot open locale definition file 'de_DEeuro': no such file or directory
Posted 12 years ago # -
there are some gettext() in soundconf, could it be the origin of the locale message?
also locales for supported languages are not present but only get generated by tazlocale, if tazlocale has not already be called when soundconf runs gettext probably don't know what to do, i don't know if this can cause the system to hangPosted 12 years ago # -
just tried that new version (in a vbox)
for me the soundcard issue is solvedInserting a usb key, lsusb shows the device but it does not appear in pcmanfm
Minor annoyance with the "documentation" icon which is "below" the top panel :s
and tazpkg get-install as well as seemling dns connection are very very slow, not sure why; not my network. Could be tied to vbox but this has not shown in the past.
Will install it on a vdisk and do some tests.
Missing the USB key recognition thoughPosted 12 years ago #
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