I got SliTaz 4.0 already installed on my VirtualBox. Now I want to install the rolling version on top of it (replace the 4.0). When trying to install it, I encounter the following problems:
1. GPartEd is spending a whole lot of time detecting the (virtual) HDD. I eventually close it after 5 min, and use the previous partition setup instead (2 partition, 1 root and another if home)
2. When selecting the source media, there's no explicit selection of the LiveCD. There's a selection for an ISO file, but IDK what to fill cos the select box beside it only listed "<none>". So I choose from web instead, selecting the rolling version.
3. When I selected install boot loader, the installer whines "Error: No disk selected, can't install boot loader". Where's the disk selector??? So I go ahead unselecting it.
4. After install, I selected to reboot instead of exiting the installer. The virtual machine crashes when deleting "something.conf"
5. I remove the LiveCD and reboot, Grub says "Error 15" and hangs there.
Where did I go wrong?