Put the package pcmanfm2 (version 0.9.8).
As a result, received a black desktop. No wallpaper and no icons. Trash does not work (operation not supported). The terminal emulator will not start (the menu).
How is all this correct?

Problems with pcmanfm 0.9.8.
(22 posts) (8 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
For the terminal, go to Edit > Preferences > Advanced tab, and define it.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thank you! The terminal is now running.
Desktop brown. But no wallpaper or icons are not visible.
Files can get out of the basket (/home/tux/.local/share/Trash
). But the basket is still not working.Posted 13 years ago # -
I don't use myself wallpaper or icons, but this package seems quite buggy (and no idea if it's pcmanfm bugs or slitaz-packages bugs)
The ones I stumble upon :
- No ui for managing wallpaper or icons, despite having a /usr/share/pcmanfm/ui/desktop-pref.ui installed
- details view freeze at best, or crash (bug already in 0.5.2.)
- no properties window when you click on itI'll stay with mc :)
Good luckPosted 13 years ago # -
I upgraded pcmanfm as well, but haven't faced any freeze/crash yet, though on right click of a file/folder and selecting Properties doesn't show anything.
Wallpaper support is not there, maybe that's because latest version of pcmanfm doesn't support it, may not be a slitaz issue. You can still setup wallpaper using "nitrogen" which is available in the repo. And in $HOME/.config/openbox/autostart.sh of the user, add "nitrogen --restore &" after selecting your initial wallpaper. It works even after you've rebooted your machine.
Posted 13 years ago # -
I removed the package pcmanfm 0.9.8 and got the same black desktop. :)
The previous version of pcmanfm 0.5.2 has not recovered. Restored through the package manager.Pcmanfm 0.5 version is no longer growing. I should lubuntu with pcmanfm 0.9.9. Wallpaper support, a trash, the desktop icons can be moved, automounting works.
It is a pity that slitaz does not work. :(Posted 13 years ago # -
The thing is pcmanfm 0.9.9 uses gnome-vfs to make it's mounting and trash can work. The downside to this? You have to drag half of GNOME with it to make things work.
You're also wrong about PCManFM 0.5.2 series not being worked on anymore. Check out http://igurublog.wordpress.com/downloads/mod-pcmanfm/ if you don't believe me ;)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks for the explanation.
Please do not be offended. I just do not understand programming. I am a simple user. Sometimes I read various articles on them and compose their own opinion (perhaps often not correct:)).Posted 13 years ago # -
If my memory is not completely bugged... It seems to me that between the two versions a change has been made by pcman to how the desktop is launched. Now you have to use
pcmanfm --desktop
[/code]instead of launching the desktop on the first launch and the file manager the next.
So Openbox is launching a file manager, instead of the desktop, because somewhere the command lacks a "--desktop" option :D
I cannot find a config file to change the default behaviour of openbox in slitaz for this...
If I find it, I'll post again ;)Posted 13 years ago # -
It's called Auto started applications in "Start"--> Preferences and if you right clicked on the desktop it would be under Openbox--> Autostart script.
It's funny that they mentioned the change where you read it, but not how to change it in Openbox (which has always been part of LXDE like pcmanfm). The default that is used by SliTaz is
pcmanfm -d &
which probably is also the flag for the new option. Also, use < code> (without the space) not [code].Posted 13 years ago # -
I'm used to openbox and pcmanfm, but I am new to Slitaz. ;)
I had noticed the autostart file... But it's empty. The line which starts pcmanfm as desktop manager must be somewhere else, I hope it's not hardcoded! -_-
Posted 13 years ago # -
It's a bad sign if the autostart file is empty... :/
Here's mine though (no, you don't need all this, nor do you have everything I do):
# This shell script is run before Openbox launches. # Environment variables set here are passed to the Openbox session. # DBUS message bus (automount removable devices) dbus-launch --exit-with-session & # Handle Hal events with Ivman (notification with desktopbox). ivman & # Start PCmanFM as daemon for Wallpaper and desktop icons. pcmanfm -d & # Start the Freedesktop panel standard menu. lxpanel & # Start Parcellite clipboard manager. parcellite & # Launch Xpad desktop notes utility. #xpad & # Desktop effects composer. #xcompmgr -c -r 10 & # Set a background image using hsetroot (depends on imlib2). #hsetroot -fill /usr/share/images/slitaz-background.png & # Background color with xsetroot. #xsetroot -solid "#222222" & # Screensaver xautolock -time 10 -locker "xlock -nolock -mousemotion +enablesaver" &
Posted 13 years ago # -
OK, we're completely OT :P
What I cannot understand is why my autostart is empty, but (i.e.) dbus, pcmanfm and lxpanel are launched at startup :|
There's no autostart file at all O_O
</edit>Posted 13 years ago # -
What does ~/.config/openbox show you? Do you see a autostart.sh file?
Also, dbus, hal and slim is started by SliTaz at boot, while slim starts Openbox. Openbox however should start lxpanel and pcmanfm. So if they show, it means you must have some autostart script.
Posted 13 years ago # -
The only file in ~/.config/openbox is rc.xml.
I did search:find / -iname *.* -type f -exec grep --files-with-matches --fixed-strings pcmanfm
But find nothing.
I'll call an exorcist for this computer! :D
I did an upgrade and at the reboot the desktop has magically appeared, but still without any autostart file O_oPosted 13 years ago #
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