Background: I discovered a process of slipsteaming a ext4 based iso build in to Penguins-eggs. This will work on any sytem that can use ext4 formatting and GRUB2 booting.
Basically the process is:
1. Install your favorite flavor of SliTaz to a ext4 formated parition add all additional packages and change system settings as you like.
2. Install Q4OS or Sparkylinux or Debian to a separate partition. These are compatable for Penguins-Eggs software and it will also install GRUB2 bootloader. Install Penguins-eggs.
3. Boot in to SliTaz build to verify it is working from GRUB2 bootmenu.
4. Boot in to your Debian install and run Penguins-eggs on that partition.
5. From same Debian boot, use gparted and shrink your SliTaz partion +1MB. Save changes and exit gparted.
6. From same Debian boot, use rsync --> xz compression and create a iso of your reduced in size SliTaz parition.
7. From the Debian boot, run penginus eggs "create egg" (Packages iso). (see docs at This will create a new iso of the Debian insatll that has the Calamres Installer configured for iso settings you selected (username, password, etc) that can be installed to any ext4 partition.
8. Using your file manager or terminal in the Debian partition and replace the iso file in Penginus-eggs home folder with the iso file you created using rsync in step 6 above.
9. This is the key & tricky part. You will now need to run the iso build file to create the remaster Live Installer. (I will update this when I verify the newest version filename).
NOTE: You can only build and remaster to a new machine with the same cpu architechture.
The above concept I have validated on many Debian Based system custom builds. Now, is there anyone who wants to beta test this process on their favorite SlitTaz flavor / build ?