Any idea when we can get it ?

Slitaz 4.0 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 ... When ?
(20 posts) (11 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Work is done each ours, cooking package will be ALL updated this week, when 96-98% packages will be ok we will go for RC release. Please look at my post on the blending edge ISO if you want to help test latest goodies and code from the devel side.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Now, 4 months has gone since the last post here. I can see a lot of developement work, but there is no release of slitaz 4.
Is there any idea, when it will be launched?
Posted 13 years ago # -
4 months ago , 3 months ago , 2 months ago , 1 month ago .... BOUM !!
xD Slitaz-Nukem 4ever
Posted 13 years ago # -
There has been major changes which broke things, which caused the delays. I'd rather have something that works even if it's delayed. How many times now have ubuntu shipped broken to meet a deadline? Too many if you ask me. To quote one my favorite developers quotes: "It'll be done when it's done"
Posted 13 years ago # -
Agree with Trixar_za's comment. A delayed stable version is much better than an unstable version which is released on time.
Posted 13 years ago # -
That said, you can also play with the rolling flavour (daily build version) found @
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi all
just a simple question
because all time is the same "sing" :)
what U search exactly in a new version?
a new design a new soft, a new version of what?i say that because in cooking version, U can do all, install all..and all is ok.
but in a stable version, it is the definition of the stable, all is old..the progress is done :(stable ok... like that u are sure to know all function but...
cooking version have no big problem.i ask that just to know, what people think.
what is ur motiv exactly, for want a new stable version?by Slitaz User
Posted 13 years ago # -
Guys, boy am I glad to be back! Last time, I've lost my login info and found out Pankso upgraded the forum.
I'm still using the latest stable Slitaz 3.0. I'm currently waiting patiently on the newer version, 4.0! I can understand that there were errors while you were testing. However, when everything's good and ready to go, I would like to see the next version be a rolling stable release so that all of the packages are updated and work right out of the box. I don't mind waiting until next year to release 4.0--so keep up the good work...and take your time.
Bye, Eman
Posted 13 years ago # -
Zzzz .. Zzz °° zzz .°°° Sli .ta. zzZzzz .. 4 °° zZzz
Posted 13 years ago # -
ZZZZzzzz slitazzzzz 4 jajaja
so... and the new release?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Zzz-z-z-z ... Aaa-a-a-a!!! What was it?! It came SliTaz! :)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Slitaz 4 died last night : over-cooked during it's nightly builds
Posted 13 years ago # -
You know, there's a saying I believe in. It's goes "If you don't like it, do it better". To complain, make bad whiny jokes and criticize is easy. Actually doing something about it, wow, now that's hard ;)
I suggest to all of you to go try the alternatives to SliTaz. Limit yourself to about 250MB isos. Try all of them like I have. Either you'll find a distro that better fits your needs or you'll be back here willing to make this distro awesome again.
Either way, bitching about it won't change the fact that SliTaz is busy dying. We can save it, but only once we realise that the only people left to fix it is us.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Trixar, I think the only way is to create a list of bugs, updates (kernel and all software) and ideas for 4.0 release, do everything in it, test and release.
It IS simple. we just need to start.
Posted 13 years ago #
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