Hi everyone,
sorry for having been so silent for such a long time. But I'm still here and still devoted to SliTaz!
I might be wrong but I have the feeling, that the main topic of this thread has somehow gone lost, hasn't it? Shann started a strategic discussion about how to proceed with SliTaz, about 4.0 and cooking, about 32 and 64 bits. I now have the feeling, that you slipped into technical details...?!
I somehow got stuck with my first one and a half rounds of compiling many packages with SliTaz receipts in 64 bits. From the first successes (which I published at that time) I don't agree, that 64 bits mean losing the "Tinyness" idea of SliTaz.
I am typing this using my 64bit startup, using a 4.2.8 Kernel and recent versions of openbox/lxpanel/pcmanfm including even Abiword and Gnumeric, Asunder, MtPaint, Geany and Sylpheed. All this sums up to about 65MB, which means without those extras we are not really far from the 50MB before.
I am using Firefox 100.x as well as Palemoon 31.x and SeaMonkey 2.53.x from temporarily mounted Squashfiles as well as FreeOffice 2021, so even the latest Desktop work is possible on my Intel Core 2 Duo from Anno 18xx...
I am about to restart from scratch during the rainy and darker months of the year, building another environment from Linux from scratch and using the scripts from SliTaz 4.0 this time (I agree, that 5.0 has become that minimalistic that the code is nearly unreadable for any non-full-professional).
So what do I want to say?
Strategically, I guess staying with 32bits would be a very niche existence. If SliTaz shall be widely usable, we will have to go for 64 bits. The more the core Desktop tools only go for 64, the more we will have to follow...
That doesn't mean, that I propose to drop the 32bit business, since many will stay with SliTaz mainly for that. I just mean we will probably have to change the focus.
I will happily try to support the 64bit side of the way...
So let's keep on going, folks !!!
Cheers! :-)