Hi guys!
Glad to see some feedback, felt somewhat lonely in this thread and didn't know if anyone had a closer look apart from gibor, who had substantial feedback which helped me on the way (thanks again to him!) or shann, who even made the very first steps possible (Thx to you too!)
And @K3nn3th: Thx to you for the nice feedback!
I know that an overarching slitaz kernel should be one of the next tasks, which I somewhat evaded in the last weeks due to the complexity of the slitaz receipt. All in all, the rootfs is somewhat running fine on MY HARDWARE since I already use customized kernels for them.
What I am trying to say is: @K3nn3th: yes, I guess it all lies in a working kernel image for your hardware; I am using a lenovo ideapad i7 with i915 graphics which seems to be quite easy to get up and running...
Clearly, this will have to be solved quite soon...
As for the videoplayer: I successfully compiled mplayer package in the meantime. I didn't have a look at Celluloid yet, but I am very open to integrate ANY package on the path, though we will have to be careful not to derive too far from the minimalistic path SliTaz is famous for...
@K3nn3th: if you'd like to compile packages, here is what I do:
1) run a linux (I am using SliTaz 5.0 with customized 64bit kernel)
2) download https://people.slitaz.org/~filou/rootfs/210825_rootfs64_wok.tar.xz
3) cd to any working directory
4) tar xf [download_dir]/210825_rootfs64_wok.tar.xz
(best as root)
5) chroot with ./chroot.sh
6) in the chrooted environment, cd to /home/slitaz/
7) get the wok with ./get-wok.sh
8) update repository with tazpkg recharge
then, you'll find all receipts in /home/slitaz/wok and should be able to compile any package with cook [package]
For any package, I try to figure out the latest version (which is quite easy as the WebSite of the package is provided by the receipt) and edit the receipt accordingly.
Often, there is a change in the compilation setup, switching from configure/make/make install to meson/ninja or cmake, but this is manageable.
Quite a few packages need additional dependencies (Qt is still giving me a headache), some fail to compile with obvious or sometimes very cryptic error messages. If you have compiled a dependency, then you should install it inside the chroot (tazpkg -i /home/slitaz/packages/[Pkg.tazpkg]
) as it won't be installed automatically and is not available in the repository yet...)
Step by step, I ususally get ahead and the result (up to now) can bee seen at https://people.slitaz.org/~filou/cooking64/
I suggest, that you play around with this and if you're up and running and would like to contribute, we'll figure out your access to the wok repository ... ?!