Hi there,
I want to upgrade toolchain. In fact, what we use now, it has long been out of date.
Together with this update SliTaz-5.0 is coming to the End-of-Life.
Here you can ask me: “What? Which SliTaz-5.0?”. Unreleased one.
We released RC-1 to RC-3, but never released the 5.0.
Maybe this is due to great responsibility. Maybe it would be desirable to make a perfect release…
There is nothing perfect.
While we have not released, we can not start the next round of updates, as it was before.
Major distributions offer update once or twice a year.
We also could produce releases twice a year, calling them, for example, SliTaz-2016-5 and SliTaz-2016-11 or something like that. When it's time to release, we just save current Rolling with the release name. And then, maybe once a two years, or once a year to update the entire base…
As a result, today we stopped with the old toolchain in Rolling Flavor, and with ancient — in the stable version. What does it take to release 5.0? We can just call our recent build the name 5.0.
But today I wanted to talk not about the release. Regardless of whether or not to release, the need to update overdue and the question is relevant. (I know that some old packages will stop to compile with the update. Therefore, the release still needs to be done to keep all the packages available in the work, although in the old state.)
After the upgrade, we will get access to many interesting programs, such as, for example, LXQt, based on Qt5.
* * *
So, I informed you of my intention. How do I do — is another matter :)
Unfortunately, I never had to deal with the updating of the basic packages. I had enough of what has already been done by others. I do not have any experience in this.
When I could not “just” update packages, I began to look closely to the LFS. While I was not able to go far. I updated Binutils without problems. But I'm stuck on the compiling of GCC.
I try to update SliTaz receipts in accordance with the steps outlined in LFS. Just want to say the following. Receipts “extension” for cross-compilation had to throw. It is difficult to maintain the usual receipts with more updates. It is doubly difficult to maintain the “double” receipts for regular compilation and cross compilation. Unable to maintain cross-compilation, because I've not addressed.
I know that in order to make excellent packages a single LFS is not enough, need tips from other places…
I will be glad of any help in updating the base system. And I will be very happy when we all come together — old and new SliTaz developers! United with one interesting case…