Ok, so I finally got some time to try stuff. I tried going panko's route.
root@host:/tmp# hg clone http://hg.slitaz.org/slitaz-arm
root@host:/tmp# cd slitaz-arm
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# cd slitaz-arm
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# ./sat mirror
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# cp -a mirror/* packages/.
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# ./sat gen --kmap --spk
But now instead of going the ./sat emu route, I decided to use a copy of qemu-arm-static and just chroot, following your instructions from http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/chroot/page/3#post-26270
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# cp /tmp/qemu-arm-static distro/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# chroot distro
root@host:/# uname -m
root@host:/# tazpkg
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 15: can't open '/usr/bin/gettext.sh'
1a. Hmm...that's no good. Since its a shell script, I can copy my local copy of /usr/bin/gettext.sh
into /tmp/slitaz-arm/distro
. And tazpkg sort of works with lots of errors to gettext: not found
. And that's a binary.
Looking at http://cook.slitaz.org/cross/arm/, gettext-base
and gettext
are now broken.
Looking at your post http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/slitaz-on-armel#post-27986
Packages: 78 in the wok - 77 cooked - 1 unbuilt - Server date: 2014-02-18 14:07 CET
Compile start: Tue Feb 11 23:01:52 CET 2014
Compile end : Wed Feb 12 01:00:06 CET 2014
they were fine just a few days ago. Did something happen? (We are now down to
78 in the wok - 52 cooked - 26 unbuilt
1b. There's too many unrelated errors (about gettext, etc) with cook right now. (I sort of followed this http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/how-to-start-cooking#post-9533 and didn't bother with tazdev
since I was already in a chrooted environment.
root@host:/# mkdir -p /home/slitaz
root@host:/# cd /home/slitaz
root@host:/home/slitaz# cook setup
(and then copied wok-stable to there.) But I can't cook anything because of the unrelated errors about missing binaries.
2. Is it supposed to be armv7l? Don't I need armv6 for the raspberry? Or is this coming from my version of qemu-arm-static?
3. sat
seem to have left spk
outside /tmp/distro instead of inside which is a bit odd. Although I was able to add it easily with
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# cp -a spk distro
root@host:/tmp/slitaz-arm# chroot distro
root@host:/# cd spk
root@host:/spk# make
Of course, packaging is the least of my worries right now.