I just downloaded Firefox 3.6 and Adobe flash. They are in the folder TUX and when i click on them to install
they need a application to open them. I tried unzip but it doesnt work. How can i install these two prgs so i can
use the internet like i was. I am trying to wean myself away from windows OS's and i do like Slitaz but i need it to do what i was doing before.

Slitaz/Linux newbie also...Need help installing prgs
(23 posts) (8 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
2 thing you must lear with Linux:
* You dont need to go and search for applications around the web.
* All the programms working for SliTaz are at 3-4 clicks of you or at
2-3 commands in a terminal.Yes under Linux we use a packages (programms) manager who know where are the packages and howto to install them. As an end user you just have to recharge the list of packages and think, say each 2-3 weeks, to upgrade the system to keep it secure and get latest improvments.
So do and see in the System menu you will have the Packages Manager quiet intuitive to use I think. And you whant to do deep directly, open a terminal and nstall packages (you must be root and default password is root):
$ su
# tazpkg recharge
# tazpkg search firefox <-- JUST TO SHOW THE SEARCH OPTION
# tazpkg get-install firefoxAnd that's all, Firefox will be dowloaded, installed in the right place and a nice entry will be add in the menu. Note also that have programms under a packages manager let us track all files and keep you filesystem hierachy as clean as the first day of usage.
Happy installation :-)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Some software like flash-plugin requires a "get" script to install.
1. Install the "get" script with tazpkg: #tazpkg get-install get-flash-plugin
2. Execute "get" script: #get-flash-pluginMore info: http://doc.slitaz.org/en:handbook:packages
Posted 13 years ago # -
Pankso......when i do a recharge it comes up with wget. bad address mirror.slitaz.org; right now im running this system from a CD..i have it installed on my computer on hard drive but waiting for my comp guru to help me fini setting it up
when i go to the package manager i dont see firefox listed only midori...Sorry for all the trouble but i am a novice and have to do this by trial and error...when i boot to the HD it comes up with a dollar sign after login and i am not sure where to go from there...2bad they dont have a book out Slitaz for dummies..i'd buy onePosted 13 years ago # -
Do you have a network connection to the Internet?
wget bad address
suggests not.
Since you're running from the LiveCD it only knows about the packages installed on it, not those available, until you successfully connect to the mirror to load them.If you haven't a network connection available and are running Stable, you can download from anotheer computer a DVD ISO image of all the packages and use that to install from (after setting it up) instead of the mirror.
WRT the dollar sign: that's the command line / shell / CLI / any of the numerous names for it! If you see
tux@slitaz ~ $
or similar it means you've started the system and logged in successfully, it's waiting for command. It seems like you installed it okay, but the video drivers aren't set up yet.Posted 13 years ago # -
Seawolf.....I have internet connection thru Midori and i dwnlded Firefox and adobe flash. They are under tux in my doc folder. Just cant get them to load. If i understand this rite even if i install them it will only last for the session. If i close the computer and reboot they will be gone? Am i correct? This slitaz was originally on another computer and we put the Hard drive into this computer. i have to jump thru hoops to get it to boot to the HD and like i said im at a loss on what commands to use after the $. If i type su will it come up to #...Guess i have to learn thru trial and error
Posted 13 years ago # -
What to expect:
brenton@trixarian:~$ su Password: root@trixarian:/home/brenton# tazpkg search firefox Search result for : firefox Installed packages ================================================================================ 0 installed packages found for : firefox Available packages name-version ================================================================================ firefox-3.5.7 firefox-dev-3.5.7 firefox-simple-mail-2.72 libfirefox-3.5.7 ================================================================================ 4 available package(s) found for : firefox root@trixarian:/home/brenton# tazpkg get-install firefox
Basically the # and $ aren't part of the commands, like you can see in the above example. It just shows if your a normal user (shows an $ at the end) or a root user (shows an # at the end). As you can see, the version number isn't important or even used in the download. So If I wanted firefox-simple-mail-2.72 from the above list, I would use tazpkg get-install firefox-simple-mail and not tazpkg get-install firefox-simple-mail-2.72.
If you're getting a wget error, it means you weren't online (and connected) when you tried to to recharge or install a package with tazpkg. Make sure you're online before downloading anything.
Posted 13 years ago # -
hey guys. sorry to dig up an old thread but it's related to my issue.
Trizar-za wrote:
"What to expect:
brenton@trixarian:~$ su
root@trixarian:/home/brenton# tazpkg search firefoxSearch result for : firefox
Installed packages
0 installed packages found for : firefoxAvailable packages name-version
4 available package(s) found for : firefox"I have an internet connection, but I do this, it say 0 packages found.
Prior to this i did a recharge, and it appeared succesfull, but said there were 0 new packages on the servers.
Any ideas?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Same probably here also
Posted 13 years ago # -
Did you use
tazpkg recharge
before searching for packages? You first need to get the packages list before the search function works.Posted 13 years ago # -
So trixar do that go for any pkg ur looking for on the web? If so that makes tazpkg like a web browser also
Posted 13 years ago # -
No, you only have to recharge the list once, otherwise
tazpkg search
won't work. Whattazpkg recharge
does is download the packages.list file from the repository. It works exactly the same way with debian/ubuntu's apt-get and aptitude - you first need the packages list before it can be searched!Posted 13 years ago # -
ok i see but the problem is im get this
tazpkg# recharge/usr/bin/tazpkg: line 2167: wget not found
/usr/bin/tazpkg: line 2167: wget not found
/usr/bin/tazpkg: line 2167: wget not found
/usr/bin/tazpkg: line 2167: wget not found
/usr/bin/tazpkg: line 2167: wget not found
/usr/bin/tazpkg: line 2167: wget not found
/usr/bin/tazpkg: line 2167: wget not found===================================================================================================
Last packages.list is ready to use. Note that the next time you recharge the list, a list of defferencies will be diplayed to show new and upgradeable packages.that what i get everytime im connected to the internet im using firefox right now seem to b a problem with package manager im using Linux for the Ophcrack cd with i upgraded to this version of slitaz
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hey Trixar, yes, in my post I said i did the recharge and it said there were no new packages. Any idea why it might be thinking I'm up to date, when I'm not?
Posted 13 years ago # -
The output of yourtazpkg search firefox
- firefox is not installed on your pc,
- firefox package is available on slitaz server.So what's the point? I do not catch, sorry.
If you'd like to install firefox:
#tazpkg get-install firefox
That's it.
Happy Slitaz.
Posted 13 years ago #
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