Why there is no standby mode to turn off slitaz ?
it's very useful.
Why there is no standby mode to turn off slitaz ?
it's very useful.
I can pause the screen, yes, but not computer.
maybe be than it's for the memory and so that slitaz is not slowed down after.
Slitaz is small - everything you Need you have to configure yourself
You have to install acpi and configure it
Maybe this thread helps
thank you very much, but it's not easy to understand but i will try
i have installed acpib but after what to do please ?
i don't see the software..
and after where i can find the file ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml ?
it's difficult to understand for a beginner as me ^^;
Here you will find good instructions
first install cpu frquency scaling:
hidden files you can find with pcmanfm - with strg+h you make hidden files visible or invisible
you can use pm-utils, with :
to suspend to STR your computer.
by the way, we are expecting from slitaz a patch for all version to allow common user (aka non root) to be able to suspend the computer (not in command line if possible)
Thank you very much, and where i can find pm-utils please ?
tazpkg get-install pm-utils
(in cli/command line interface, or maybe package manager)
How i can launch please ?
i don't find in applications...
>How i can launch please ?
>i don't find in applications...
unfortunately, it wont appear in application : it's a non-intuitive command line tool, so you will have to open the terminal (eg xterm) to use it, in root only;
waiting from slitaz devs to find like an app/shortcut to make it available by clicking (no cli) without being root (nice idea, like on win/mac)
i have installed
2017-08-29 03:22:33 - Installed - cpuspeed (1.5)
2017-08-28 20:14:54 - Installed - acpid (2.0.16)
2017-08-28 17:17:11 - Installed - pm-utils (1.4.1)
2017-08-28 17:17:10 - Installed - kbd (2.0.2)
2017-08-28 17:17:00 - Installed - bash (4.4.5)
i have need also of change the local hours.
and now what is the command for configured please ?
there is too much information...
i don't understand and not see the simple way for config the Standby mode...
@ Daniel8,
I didn't install pm-utils and can't test it tonight.
I've had a look quickly to the doc ; seems you have to follow these instructions:
Suspend on idle/inactivity
One method relies on xautolock program. Add following:
xautolock -time 30 -locker "sudo pm-suspend" -detectsleep &
to ~/.xinitrc
. This implies that pm-suspend
is called after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Files that begin with a "." are hidden files; you must indicate to PCManFM if you want to see them.
= /home/tux/.xinitrc
(if you are user tux of course).
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