Hi all,
I share with you, especially the guys who like streaming audio (radio) a set of programs (icecast, ices, icegenerator and libshout) to install and configure in one step,
Lets work simultaneously in ogg mode (default), live mode and mp3. Only be upload your music to the respective directory and run the server. (bring music tracks sample to begin)
During installation properly configured with your public ip and username and automatically with curl and its radius is published in the public directory dir.xiph.org.
All packages were cooked in SliTaz 4.
If you want to test the operation and report any problems, I'll be grateful.
http://publinea.netfast.org/downloads/radio.tar.bz2 (size 8,8 Mb)

Stream audio in one step (icecast ices icegenerator)
(1 post) (1 voice)-
Posted 9 years ago #
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