ok I am getting also here the error Missing dep (wok/pkg): busybox-boot 1.21.1
does this mean, that I need busybox-boot 1.21.1 in SliTaz 4.0 to build the 3.2.53 kernel?
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz# cooker pkg linux
Setup aufs chroot...
Cook: linux 3.2.53
QA: checking package receipt...
QA: Unable to reach: http://www.kernel.org/
Checking build dependencies...
Missing dep (wok/pkg): busybox-boot 1.21.1
Missing dep (wok/pkg): busybox-boot 1.21.1
ERROR: missing dep 2
ERROR: cook failed
Debug information
Cook date: 2013-12-16 19:45
ERROR: missing dep 2
ERROR: cook failed
Leaving aufs chroot...
/usr/bin/cook: .: line 77: can't open '/home/slitaz/wok/linux/taz/linux-*/receipt'
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz# tazpkg -gi busybox-boot 1.21.1
Unable to find: busybox-boot in the mirrored packages list.
Unable to find: get-busybox-boot in the mirrored packages list.
root@slitaz:/home/slitaz# tazpkg search busybox
Search result for: busybox
Installed packages
busybox 1.18.4 base-system.
1 installed package(s) found for : busybox
Available packages name-version
5 available package(s) found for : busybox
EDIT: I tried with Kernel 3.2.50 and did not work too