Thank you for responding.
Unfortunately I only managed to test today (25-07-2020), here are the test results:
tux @ slitaz: ~ / Downloads $ sudo tazpkg -gi get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg
Not found: get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg in the mirror package list.
Not found: get-get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg in the mirror package list.
Unable to find "get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg" in the extra list of
tux @ slitaz: ~ / Downloads $ sudo tazpkg install get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg
The "get-LibreOffice" package is already installed.
You can use the --forced option to force the installation.
tux @ slitaz: ~ / Downloads $ sudo get-LibreOffice
Package LibreOffice will be build as SliTaz package and installed
================================================== ==============================
Options in use:
root: /
version: latest
lang: automatic
install package: yes
keep tazpkg: no
source directory: / tmp / src-LibreOffice
build directory: / tmp / get-LibreOffice
logging file: /tmp/get-LibreOffice.log
================================================== ==============================
LibreOffice is already installed.
Would you like to remove and reinstall this package [y / N]? y
Removing installed version ... Remove LibreOffice (5.4.0)? (y / N) y
Removing: LibreOffice
================================================== ==============================
Removing all installed files ... Restoring Busybox applet ar ... Restoring Busybox applet findfs ... Updating system database ... Removing receipt files ... Fetching the archives ... Connecting to download.documentfoundation.org (
wget: server returned error: HTTP / 1.1 404 Not Found
Fetching the archives ... Connecting to download.documentfoundation.org (
wget: server returned error: HTTP / 1.1 404 Not Found
Fetching the archives ... Connecting to download.documentfoundation.org (
wget: server returned error: HTTP / 1.1 404 Not Found
Could not get LibreOffice_6.3.6_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz. Exiting.
Note that when "error: HTTP / 1.1 404 Not Found" occurs, it is when the page was not found.
Please access the LibreOffice website at http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/ and http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable /6.3.6/rpm/x86/, note that the correct link that should be in the code would be http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.3.6/rpm/x86_64/, unfortunately I don't know how to make the necessary changes to the code.
I don't master SliTaz, I'm starting in the Linux world, but I have experience in HTML and CSS, I ask you to observe the code, accessing / usr / bin, right-click on get-LibreOffice, click on Leafpad, the code searches the site http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/ with the suffix Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz, if we put everything together it would be http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz, accessing this page does not start the download , but results in "he page you requested could not be found. For a list of all mirrors please go to this page: https://download.documentfoundation.org/mirmon/allmirrors.html"
Original text in Brazilian Portuguese, translated into English by Google translator.
Agradeço por responder.
Infelizmente eu só consegui testar hoje (25-07-2020), seguem os resultados dos testes:
tux@slitaz:~/Downloads$ sudo tazpkg -gi get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg
Não encontrado: get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg na lista de pacotes do mirror.
Não encontrado: get-get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg na lista de pacotes do mirror.
Incapaz de encontrar "get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg" na lista extra de
tux@slitaz:~/Downloads$ sudo tazpkg install get-LibreOffice-1.31.tazpkg
O pacote "get-LibreOffice" já está instalado.
Você pode usar a opção --forced para forçar a instalação.
tux@slitaz:~/Downloads$ sudo get-LibreOffice
Package LibreOffice will be build as SliTaz package and installed
Options in use:
root : /
version : latest
lang : automatic
install package : yes
keep tazpkg : no
source directory: /tmp/src-LibreOffice
build directory : /tmp/get-LibreOffice
logging file: /tmp/get-LibreOffice.log
LibreOffice is already installed.
Would you like to remove and reinstall this package [y/N]? y
Removing installed version... Remover LibreOffice (5.4.0)? (y/N) y
Removendo: LibreOffice
Removendo todos os arquivos instalados... Restoring Busybox applet ar... Restoring Busybox applet findfs... Atualizando banco de dados do sistema... Removendo arquivos receipt... Fetching the archives... Connecting to download.documentfoundation.org (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Fetching the archives... Connecting to download.documentfoundation.org (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Fetching the archives... Connecting to download.documentfoundation.org (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Could not get LibreOffice_6.3.6_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz. Exiting.
Observe que quando ocorre o "error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" é quando a página não foi encontrada.
Por favor acesse o site do LibreOffice nos links http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/ e http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable /6.3.6/rpm/x86/, observe que o link correto que deveria estar no código seria http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.3.6/rpm/x86_64/, infelizmente eu não sei fazer as alterações necessárias no código.
Eu não domino o SliTaz, estou iniciando no mundo Linux, mas possuo experiência em HTML e CSS, peço que observe o código, acessando /usr/bin, botão direito do mouse sobre get-LibreOffice, clicar em Leafpad, o código busca no site http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/ com o sufixo Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz, se juntarmos tudo seria http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz, acessando esta página não começa o download, mas resulta em "he page you requested could not be found. For a list of all mirrors please go to this page: https://download.documentfoundation.org/mirmon/allmirrors.html"
Texto original em idioma português do Brasil, traduzido para o inglês por Google tradutor.