Hopefully it is not too boring for experienced users. I use Slitaz 4. I logged in as tux, but found the lower task panel missing. Then, out of a sudden, login as tux failed. Login as root works, though.
Any ideas what to do?
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tux login failed
(22 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
The missing panel question returns here regularly. Its a known issue. Please search the forum for something like "missing panel". You will find the resolution quickly.
When the login for tux does not work, I assume the password is lost?
Login as root and type:
# passwd tuxEnter the password you want to use and try again.
Posted 11 years ago # -
Kill Lxpanel and restart it with lxpanel --profile slitaz preferably from a virtual terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and then exit it with Ctrl+Alt+F7
Posted 11 years ago # -
Thanks to both of you for your remarkably quick answers!
No, apparently it was not a password problem. I confirmed the password for tux but no help. Then I added a new user and this worked. With a new user the panel problem does not occur again. But thanks,Trixar_za, to have remembered me that the issue is with lxpanel and not with openbox-session.The only issue: sakura did not work. I removed it and tried to re-install it then. But it does not appear any longer in the package list. Was it removed later from Slitaz 4 stable?
Posted 11 years ago # -
sakura is in slitaz4 stable:
http://pkgs.slitaz.org/search.sh?package=sakura&version=sPosted 11 years ago # -
Thanks! I did not find it, do not know why, but I could just reinstall it.Posted 11 years ago # -
Hmmh, strange: I reinstalled sakura and it worked. After a reboot I see the following behaviour:
I start it and a konsole opens but there is no „input“ like
- the Sakura konsole is just empty.ls -ll /usr/bin/sakura
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 52052 Mar 13 2012 /usr/bin/sakuraThe first time I encounter such a thing. A mysterium? ;-)
Unpleasant, but I have xterm.Posted 11 years ago # -
Check the free space on your SliTaz partition. When accidently I can’t log in as tux, and can only as root, I check my free space and see that it gone, equal to zero. Maybe it is a result of great cached data in the browser, or big sources decompression, or so...Next. Do you run Sakura directly? I mean: from Application menu item. OR as Favorite Terminal. Sometimes I encounter a problem with black Sakura screen, but this problem solved with help of Enter key pressing. Here something wrong with Favorite Terminal script, but this bug is strange and volatile.
If this not helps you, try run Sakura from your working xterm. Just open xterm, type
and press Enter. New terminal window will be opened, and maybe you can see something strange/interest in your first window (in the xterm).Posted 11 years ago # -
First: free spaced is no problem. It appears in both ways of starting it. Pressing enter does not help. Starting sakura from xterm gives the same result.
Thanks for your help - but I have not yet seen such a strange thing. If I create a new user sakura works normal. But you see, as cited above: the permissions are set correct.Posted 11 years ago # -
1. Any messages/errors in the xterm when you run sakura?
2. Next, interesting that you have no problem with new user. I think, something wrong with your tux user settings. Maybe, with /home/tux/.profile...
2a. Please, put here output of command:
echo $PATH
2b. Please, check for yourself the difference between output of command:
for your problematic tux user and for your problem-less new user.Posted 11 years ago # -
Sakura displays no command prompt if user is not in tty group.
Posted 11 years ago # -
Thanks to both of you! No, the problem was not PATH or env - the culprit is line 6 in /etc/groups:
There is no mention of „user“. How can I put the user „user“ into this tty-group?
As root: addgroup user tty
- I tried this and it works after logging out and login in as „user“ again.
Now line 6 reads like:
„tty:x:5:tux,user“And, as I must admit, once again you hit the nail, @mojo. Astonishing! ;-)
Posted 11 years ago # -
my congratulations! You hit the bull-eye with single shot :-)But I can’t understand Michael.
tux already was part in tty group, and sakura not work???
user named user not belongs to tty group and sakura worked for he???
and now Michael added user named user for tty group, for what?Anyway, thank you, mojo. Now I’ll remember about groups, not only about depends and its paths.
Posted 11 years ago # -
it is convention not to publish private user names here, as far as I know. So I substituted the real user name with „user“. I had a trouble with orignal tux. So I established by your recommendation the new user „user“. It worked then. But when I had reinstalled sakura I run into the mentioned problem. So I deleted old user „tux“ and created him anew. And this => new user „tux“ was in this tty-group, but „user“ was not. So I had to use „addgroup user tty“.
As an occassional user, not being a professional, I would never ever have discovered what to do with this issue. It is, as I repeat, a minor thing as my slitaz had xterm as well.Posted 11 years ago # -
Oh, thank you Michael.
Now I understand. I was confused a bit with user user, I think better to hide his real name in manner: my_user or so similar. Its not a problem.And seems like xterm not checked tty group. Btw, now I use lilyterm as my everyday terminal emulator, and its based on the vte libs like sakura. And I really don’t like xterm, can’t understand why :-)
Posted 11 years ago #
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