Here is the new version of Yaff for SliTaz 4.0, using Yad instead of GTKDialog.
What is Yaff ? A small and useful Firefox launcher, allowing to launch several instances of Firefox in different versions and with different profiles. It was heavily used by myself to make some tests in webdev activities.
It is more flexible than the native Firefox profile manager and allows you to use your Firefox link w/o activating this profile manager, just use Yaff to use other profiles than usual one, with other versioned installed Firefox.
Your current Firefox link will just launch usual Firefox version with your usual Firefox profile, and you can use Yaff to launch any other combinaison of Firefox version and Firefox profile.
All is written for Busybox, awk and yad that come with default SliTaz installation, in one shell script using ASCII configuration files.
All you need is to get other versions of Firefox. In my own case, I just download stable, beta and aurora distributions of Firefox from the official Mozilla website, that I untar/gunzip in my $HOME/Applications/ folder as "firefox", "firefox-beta" and "firefox-aurora" subfolders. As all is included, I just need to launch the $HOME/Applications/[firefox version installation folder]/firefox executable to run the software.
I have several profiles: "default" one currently use for every web task, with stable version, and "extensions-test" one used both with beta and aurora Firefox's.
Of course this is my own usage, yours may differ just as you like.
Do not forget: it is KISS, working with two action dialogs (profile choice, then version choice) and one configuration dialog (in order to add some new Firefox version folder). Configuration files are set in $HOME/.yaff folder, everything is created on need. You will be prompted to add one or several versions folder if none exists, just launch "yaff" to get it to work.
Here is the script:
(also posted as document into a tarball in "Scripts" group of SliTaz community)
P.S. Do not forget to get it executable: su -c 'chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/yaff'