Hi, Ceel.
Tout d'abord, je te remercie infiniment ton appui, ton aide, et le temps que tu as mis dans ce fil. Ça parle au serieux de Slitaz.
Too bad iso2exe won't work in XP. The download of iso2exe isn't working, either. Could you send me a copy of iso2exe? I'd like to try it out with some other iso files. It looks like a very interesting utility.
I tried slitaz-3.0-firefox.iso with tazusb.exe and it did not work. Is it worthwhile for me to try tazusb again, with slitaz-3.0.iso?
I have downloaded syslinux-5.01.zip as per your instructions. The only .bat file in it is luavs.bat. No bootusb.bat. Too bad!
However, I will follow your instructions for a manual install with syslinux. Can I use slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso instead of slitaz-4.0.iso?