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not resolved how to run two x-sessions ? 2 Anonymous 9 years
not resolved Installing KeePassX2 1 happy_slitaz 9 years
not resolved FWBuilder fails to install firewall policy 6 happy_slitaz 9 years
not a support question [How-To] Fixing transmission crashing upon opening "Preferences" dialog in SliTaz 5.0RC2 2 tvicol 9 years
not a support question Xampp 2 mojo 10 years
not a support question Differences b/w Slitaz and TinyCore? 10 mojo 10 years
not resolved spacefm new root window failure - 2 16 slo.sleuth 10 years
not a support question OpenSSL compromised 3 mojo 10 years
not a support question Installing Slitaz on thin client T5545 7 Zainka 10 years
resolved Can't register to wiki 5 walen 10 years
not a support question I donated 15E 2 sixofeight 10 years
not a support question $litaz donations 2 kultex 10 years
not resolved LiveCD root password? 3 Ceel 10 years
not a support question SliTaz LiveUsb 11 christophe 10 years
resolved Two kernels at boot 3 purcaribe 10 years