Can't register to wiki
(5 posts) (3 voices)-
Hello, i don't know, where I've to aks about my problem. I want to register me in the wiki. I have write my Username, Real name and my email. I've clicked on Regiter and get these errors: 1. There was an unexpected problem with sending the email: The sender parameter must either be a valid string email address or an instance of Swift_Address. 2. Looks like there was an error on sending the password mail. Please contact the admin! My problem is, I dont know, who the admin is and I've found nothing about this. Please help me. (Excuse my very good english :-))Posted 10 years ago #
Yes i know we have an issue with the wiki.
i try to fix it.Posted 10 years ago # -
I just asked pankso to approve me. This has been around nearly 5 years now, but it doesn't seem to hard to add somebody by hand, so it hasn't been too much of a problem.
Posted 10 years ago # -
I fixed it. I removed the swiftmail plugin.
Posted 10 years ago # -
Thanks. I've got an email with the login.Posted 10 years ago #
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