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resolved Bluetooth gatttool requested by voltcraft-sem-6000 expect script 6 shann 2 years
not resolved Wifi Adapter not picked up 2 fredyfred 4 years
not a support question Wifi not working Broadcom 2 RichieStine 4 years
not resolved Wifi not working using 5.0 rolling on 06 Panasonic Tough book 6 terrybull 4 years
resolved No TLS handshake 7 dudu 5 years
resolved Add blacklist access-point to network.conf 14 gibor 5 years
not resolved Vodafone Surf Stick K3772-Z with usb modeswitch 1 moder 5 years
resolved Intel WiFi 5300 AGN Not Detected 3 alberto 5 years
not a support question Default gateway ping high - Please help! 1 Vindieselwalker 5 years
resolved Atheros WLAN adapter not operational in 64-bit SliTaz rolling 5 HGT 6 years
not a support question Wireless HP Mini (b43) not working at boot 9 jaja 7 years
not a support question 802.11n 4 LienRag 7 years
not a support question wireless not working on LENOVO E10 (qualcomm atheros) 5 LienRag 7 years
not a support question Renaming wifi to eth0 5 gibor 7 years
resolved Wireless Adapter Not Recognised 3 kalobhromor 7 years