I'm trying to run voltcraft-sem-6000 as explained in https://github.com/Heckie75/voltcraft-sem-6000. That needs gatttool - tool for Bluetooth Low Energy device.
Why Slitaz on eeePC 701 machine does not find gatttool, while it's found with Debian on a Dell XPS M1330 machine ?
I use the same tp-link Bluetooth 4.0 Nano USB Adapter on both machines.
See below some infos for each machine. Thanks in advance for answer and regards.
Pierre alias colip
eeePC machine
root@slitaz:~# hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
78:DB:2F:DD:21:D6 (unknown)
78:DB:2F:DD:21:D6 Voltcraft
root@slitaz:~# gatttool
sh: gatttool: not found
tux@slitaz:~$ ./sem-6000.exp 78:DB:2F:DD:21:D6 0000 --sync
couldn't execute "/usr/bin/gatttool": no such file or directory
while executing
"spawn -noecho /usr/bin/gatttool -I"
(file "./sem-6000.exp" line 3576)
Paquets installés
bluez 5.54 outils système
bluez-alsa 2.0.0 multimédia
bluez-dev 5.54 développement
python-pybluez 0.23 développement
expect 5.45.4 utilitaires
perl-expect 1.35 développement
tux@slitaz:~$ uname -r
dell-xps machine
pierre@dell-xps:~$ sudo bluetoothd --version
pierre@dell-xps:~$ apt-cache policy expect
Installé : 5.45.4-2
Candidat : 5.45.4-2
Table de version :
*** 5.45.4-2 500
500 http://ftp.ch.debian.org/debian buster/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
pierre@dell-xps:~$ gatttool
gatttool [OPTION?]
... is available.
pierre@dell-xps:~$ ./sem-6000.exp 78:DB:2F:DD:21:D6 0000 --sync
The script is running very well.