I would love to see Slitaz moving toward to wayland display server instead xorg.
Is this possible ?
Here is the first distro who do this
I would love to see Slitaz moving toward to wayland display server instead xorg.
Is this possible ?
Here is the first distro who do this
I think, nope.
The main reason it's buggy, useless and broken by design.
For those who do not know what is X and why need to be replaced, a very good Kristian Høgsberg presentation at FOSDEM 2012
Wayland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayland_%28display_server_protocol%29
What is wayland http://linuxplumbersconf.org/ocw/proposals/57
Here is wayland architecture. IMHO a huge step forward for Linux desktop.
Wayland have reached stable release 1.0 few days ago http://wayland.freedesktop.org/releases.html
Some Kristian Høgsberg presentations, explaining why wayland is needed.
I also personally consider that the first Linux distro who will adopt Wayland will gain a huge audience. ;-)
No it won't. I'll point out the main points to why:
1. It still uses the xorg drivers.
2. It only supports Nvidia, Intel and ATI cards. The rest of us will be out of luck.
>I also personally consider that the first Linux distro who will adopt Wayland will gain a huge audience. ;-)
Yeah. We always love the lack of drivers, instability and NIH syndrome.
Personally, I hate Wayland architecture. The main reason is using GLES2/EGL. I didn't want to explain why it's BAD.
The second - Wayland just reimplements Xorg with NO performance increases. All the stuff developers name revolutionary is just a copy of what already been on Linux desktop (directFB, DRI, Xorg).
And the latest - Wayland is monolitic. It's not KISS, nor Unixway. Just a bloated creation of someone's evil mind.
Putting a compositor and some other stuff inside graphic server (hell, why not just put it into kernel and deal with it) will not ever save us from some non-existant performance issues.
I´m sure that both points you above mention will change in time.
However, main video card players are Nvidia, Intel and ATI. It make sense to start with them.
> (hell, why not just put it into kernel and deal with it)
Only here I fully agree with you.
Only intel supports wayland (cause the dont have binary drivers).
Nvidia and ATi (AMD now) already told they dont want support wayland.
>Only here I fully agree with you.
facepalm.svg.xz 12.1TB
See the difference ?
Weston on Raspberry Pi
Original page http://fooishbar.org/tell-me-about/wayland-on-raspberry-pi/
Tibi, wayland is already dead. No one from major GNU/Linux distros supports it.
Ubuntu had switched to implementing Mir server.
>See the difference ?
The only difference I see, is that they have misconfigured Xorg and the lack of 2D acceleration in broadcom videocore driver.
I can run wayland using nouveau driver on my PC and then Xorg, using nvidia binary blob.
And trust me, waylang gonna lag like hell in comparison to X.
I don't try to demonstrate anything. ;)
Will see next year.
The "already dead" wayland is already used in Sailfish
and was ported to Android by Jolla (ex-Nokia Linux team)
Quite some interest for an "already dead" display server protocol.
Yeah yeah and GTK3 and Qt5 already has support for it while KDE is planning to support it fully while dropping Xorg. Kubuntu is also planning on going with Wayland instead of Mir. Hell, Mir is based on EGL like Wayland with XMir even containing code from XWayland.
But considering how both are resources hogs that depends on GL support, please explain to me how this will help users with older hardware and why this is the best move for a distro like SliTaz that caters for lower resource systems?
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