Hi Ceel and thank you for the answer.
I did commit an error in my first msg: It is not grub-legacy but grub4dos in legacy look!
"ls" was not offered in the list of the permit bash commands.
But as did see that it is gub4dos, I did remember that Puppy Linux offers a "Grub4Dos bootloader config" and did try it. The menu made by it offers more (did not help to boot immediately!), especially this item:
title SliTaz GNU/Linux cooking (Kernel vmlinuz-3.2.53-slitaz)(sdb1/boot/grub/menu.lst)
root (hd0,0)
configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst
and really, you come directly in bash under this item and get a more (very!) more important choice of bash commands, especially, as you did name it, "ls".
using "ls", I did have to admit, that ls ignore the USB port (and grub probably also)... more, "ls" give the same success using divers connections: always the partitions of the Hard Disk (but my Slitaz, als well as the grub4dos loader ARE both on USB on the stick but forgot the information at boot time else if the boot loader did start FROM USB)!
how to retransmit the information to the boot loader in a correct form as he don't recognize the ports?
has a stick an own MBR after the installation for grub4dos? with valid address?
(see https://dr3st.de/multiboot-usb-stick-bauen/ (I am sorry, it is on German)! Why do I not follow this page immediately and did order to the SliTaz installer to do the job? Because I did find an indication in the article bringing me great risk, exactly the precedent question: the author says, the usb is sda, you also say the usb is sda! on my PC (i own it 10 years) was USB never sda! More: I have 3 USB: the internal hard disk is at DELL PC and laptop an (internal) USB, the USB3 is present extra on a own port and a supplementary USB2 on a second USB connector.If the address is wrong, it can happen, that the commands made are made on the internal hard disk! It would be terrible... But it must be possible as I did made in last days an other stick, this one a 2 terra byte big disk, where I can start an actual Puppy Linux live (I dont will live! I will full installed!!!) from USB2 port of my laptop (or from the only one USB ports from my other computers). Also, it is possible! But USB2 is naturally terribly slow... no real satisfaction!)
- I hope you can understand "my English"! I did never learn English but French, my mother tongue, and German, my every day language! -