Are there equivalents to Debian's autoremove and clean commands on Slitaz 4? I have noticed that when you remove a package the system removes only the main package and leaves behind all dependencies.
Autoremove and clean equivalents on Slitaz 4
(5 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
tazpkg clean-cache or tazpkg -cc
We don't have an auto-remove function for orphaned packages yet...
Posted 12 years ago # -
Thank you very much for your prompt response. I'm really impressed by new Slitaz - the fastest distro I've ever tried and I have tried many.
Posted 12 years ago # -
"the fastest distro"
welcome in the Gang ;)
Posted 12 years ago # -
asiwiec seems to have asked for a dependency-removal. tazpkg clean-cache just deletes the downloaded packages from the package cache.
I made a suggestion for a removal patch for tazpkg in the forum as well as in the community and (lately) in the mailing list, but to no avail.
Up to now I don't see any removal tool (though I am using my patch, of course).
If you want to have a look at the patch, see
(thread "package-management-and-orphaned-packages")Posted 12 years ago #
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