Bonjour, j'ai beqsoin d'êtes car je ne parviens pas à installer de .tar.gz
la seule chose que j'arrive à faire c'est :
tar xzf cpige-1.5.tar.gz
et de la& j'ai un dossier
Merci par avance pour une aide. Voici le README
Usage: ./cpige -c path/to/cpige.conf
-c path/to/cpige.conf.
=========== GUI ===========
A GTK2 GUI is now available for cPige 1.5.
To use it:
cd gui; ./configure && make
now, copy cpige binary somewere the GUI will find in PATH, then launch
Enjoy :)
=========== Upgrading ===========
Prior to version 1.4, cPige uses command line options.
In 1.4, thoses command lines were removed, to leave the place
to a config file.
But cPige is back compatible. You should be able to use old command
line options, by compiling cPige with the NOCONFIG flag.
NOCONFIG=1 make clean all
Then cPige should work as prior to 1.4. (Note that new functionnalities comming
from 1.4 and more will not be backported to commandLine options, excepted
if this is a request of users.)