hi, i tried to build slitaz from flavor 3.0-firefox and it returns to a *.flavor file, is there a utility to build a iso file from this?

build iso from *.flavor file?
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
root@slitaz:~# tazlito get-flavor firefox
Preparing firefox distro flavor
Connecting to mirror.clarkson.edu (
firefox.flavor 100% |*******************************| 6442 --:--:-- ETA
Cleaning /home/slitaz/cooking/distro... [ OK ]
Extracting flavor firefox.flavor... 17 blocks
Creating distro-packages.list... [ OK ]
Adding rootcd files... 11 blocks
11 blocks
Adding rootfs files... 13 blocks
13 blocks
Updating tazlito.conf... [ OK ]
Flavor is ready to be generated by: tazlito gen-distroroot@slitaz:~
Posted 13 years ago #
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