Is there a way to run eclipse classic or Java Developers version on slitaz I need it to run android sdk its easier to use than command line thx if any1 knows how if there is a way at all

Can eclipse IDE classic or java run on slitaz
(8 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
plz sum help
Posted 13 years ago # -
I remember that packages related to eclipse and java were available in slitaz repositories. So you just have to install them using tazpkg command.The bad news is that slitaz server is getting down really often those days...
Good luck.
Posted 13 years ago # -
thx bro im tryin it now
Posted 13 years ago # -
that one works but its for developing web servers i need the one for android apps which is Eclipse Classic 3.7.1,or Eclipse IDE for Java Developers which is on eclipse download site not sure if i can post the address here so i won't just want that version because its easier to test ur apps after development rather than using the command line 2 dev them then post in android market then test them with that IDE i can test them be4 distribution
Posted 13 years ago # -
any help plz?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hello friend, I had exactly the same problem as you, (also devolping for android ;p).
I'm new to slitaz but managed to solve this problem here's how:In some other OS:
1- download "Eclipse IDE for java developers" from eclipse website. (for linux 32 bits of course)
2- download "Java JDK 6" from oracle website. (for linux 32 bits) (you only need the JRE for eclipse but you'll need JDK for android, so..)
3- fully uncompress, Eclipse.
4- move folder with Eclipse, and "jdk-6u29-linux-i586.bin", to Slitaz. (USB stick, shared folder, ...)
5- On the terminal run ./jdk-6u29-linux-i586.bin and wait for it.
6- It'll generate the folder "jdk1.6.0_29"
7- create a soft link to java, in terminal:
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /whereveryouleft/jdk1.6.0_29/bin/javarun eclipse :)
PD: someone might ask why I say to do steps 1,2,3 in some other OS, here's the trouble I've got:
first of all, I tried downloading eclipse from eclipse webpage, as there wasn't the eclipse version I was looking for in the package manager.
Downloading went fine, but then when uncompressing: tar -xvf eclipseblahblah.tar.gz I could only get: "invalid tar magic", I don't say there's no way to solve it, but I got bored of that, and went the quick way.
Then I tried installing java jdk 6 from the package manager, went good, and when I went to run Eclipse I got the error "unnable to find java" (or something like that) thought... huh... did: ls /usr/bin | grep java
and I can see there's javac, among with others... but no java...
Uninstalled the package, from the package manager and again went (with midori) to download from the oracle webpage.. and suddenly puf... midori crashed... I went to the oracle webpage again... crash again.. after a few change of preferences I notice what causes the crash is allowing scripts,... I go to the download page and if I have the scripts disabled I can see nothing... great!!... finally surrender and go to use another OS.. (I've tried now to reproduce and seems to work fine... midori doesn't crash.. so I don't know what was happening before.. :( )Well as I said, I'm new from today to Slitaz, I'm really happy about the fast execution and little space it takes, but it have some really annoying issues... like those I mentioned, and others: screen resolution (finally solved :) ), and varius problems when executing from vmware...
Posted 13 years ago # -
Well, some Linuxes do have some issues with virtualization servers/programs of which Fedora (Red Hat) is the best known problem child. There isn't really much we can do besides adapt SliTaz to use the Hardware calls that vmware supports while avoiding the ones it doesn't.
Now comes the question though. Did you install java-jdk-1.6.1? That's not the real Java and it's linked to icedtea6-jdk-1.6.1 and like you probably know, eclipse doesn't really like Icedtea. To get the real Java, you need to use the get-java6-jdk-1.0 package which grabs it right off the oracle site. Further more the package you download from oracles site is NOT a tar.gz file, but actually just a tar file, so you need to extract it with tar xf file.tar.gz - it's one of the known issues of midori. Also you could have just used Chrome or Firefox to download it instead of going to a whole different distro to do it ;)
As for display... First use tazhw detect-pci while root, then use tazx from the terminal while online to install your video driver. After that you can use lxrandr to change screen resolutions (you can get a copy from for SliTaz 3).
Posted 13 years ago #
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