I am a new user and have been having trouble trying to load firefox and adobe flash. They are not in my pkgs
but are in WOK (whatever that is)...when i try to recharge it gives me a error wget..Bad address...Mirror-slitaz.org. My comp guru reloaded slitaz on my HD and i am online obviously cuz im posting here... All im trying to do now is install FF and the adobe flash so they work properly...why wont it recognize me as on line and etc.
My goal is to get away from Windows Based OS's and i do like this Linux prg but only if i can get it to work..All help is greatly appreciated....

Cannot update or recharge pkgs
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Yes it is very strange that you can't recharge the packages list to install Firefox since you connected. Maybe the main mirror was down at this moment. Please try again and check if you can browse the mirror: http://mirror.slitaz.org/
Posted 13 years ago # -
I went to the site and saw all the mirrors went to xterm and tried to do a recharge same error message.
i dont know if its a software issue or a hardware issue but it is a frustrating issue lol also on the mirrors site i cannot find firefox but like i said its listed on my computer under WOKPosted 13 years ago #
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