For some reason, when I start SliTaz with the ethernet cable plugged in, it won't connect. I open the network settings, and it says that 'lo' is connected but 'eth0' and 'eth1' have no info attached to them. I cannot open web pages,
Any clues?

Can't get wired internet to work
(4 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Slitaz has detected 2 ethernet adapters (eth0 and eth1)
Ignore lo it is the software internal loopback.
The default network script can only support 1 hardware network adapter and is set to eth0.
Maybe the ethernet cable connected to your modem is connected to eth1.
Switch your eternet cable to the other ethernet adapter.
Restart network in xterm:
su password: root
/etc/init.d/network.sh stop
/etc/init.d/network.sh start
Copy/paste output from terminal if it fails to connect.
Post which version of slitaz you're using.Posted 13 years ago # -
I did
/etc/init.d/network.sh restart
as suggested, found out that it was configured to automatically connect via the wrong connection (eth0 rather than eth1) and so I changed this in my network setting file. Thank you!!Posted 13 years ago # -
Your welcome :)
Posted 13 years ago #
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