On a single hard disk, i've got classical three partitions :
/dev/sda1 / Linux (ext3) boot
/dev/sda2 Linux swap
/dev/sda3 /home Linux (ext3)
By default, every 25 reboot's, the /dev/sda1 is checked. I read (don't remember where at this time) that Slitaz do not have "maintenance" mode (typically differents runlevel).
How to check the /dev/sda3 (/home) partition ? and is there a need to do that without warning messages?
I try e2fsck (options -n no changes and -f forced) command as below, don't know if the informations in this case are to be considered as relevant :
/sbin/e2fsck -n /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Warning! /dev/sda3 is mounted.
Warning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check.
/dev/sda3: clean, 1114/2281104 files, 1337155/9111808 blocks
/sbin/e2fsck -n -f /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Warning! /dev/sda3 is mounted.
Warning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Entry 'sessionstore.json' in /tux/.mozilla/seamonkey/ibfc0n0j.default (686847) has deleted/unused inode 687174. Clear? no
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Unattached zero-length inode 687169. Clear? no
Unattached inode 687169
Connect to /lost+found? no
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Block bitmap differences: +2766848 -2766849 +(2766850--2766851) -(2766852--2766853)
Fix? no
Free blocks count wrong (7774653, counted=7774186).
Fix? no
Inode bitmap differences: +687169 -687174
Fix? no
Free inodes count wrong (2279990, counted=2279951).
Fix? no
/dev/sda3: ********** WARNING: Filesystem still has errors **********
/dev/sda3: 1114/2281104 files (15.4% non-contiguous), 1337155/9111808 blocks