I have no previous experience cooking, as every thing I needed was already available for my x86 machine.
On my RasPi, I have installed cookutils, but noted there is no tazdev, so I couldn't follow the walk through that I found, and also am now confused after seeing i486 host mentioned and cross directories in the armhf toolchain tarball.
Should I be using an x86 machine to cross compile packages for RasPi, or can it be done natively?
Thanks for any help on steps I need to take
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cookutils and the RasPi
(6 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
Hi ronald,
If you need to cook, you need slitaz4 stable operating system (on some x86 machine)
Have a look at this thread :
"Our" distro was severely noted, here.
But it is in the headlist, and people seems agree server side rocks.Personnaly, I'm still struggle with x86 kernel "menuconfig-urations" for now,
but maybe after 22 June, I could obtain a Rasp for some time, and work with you, emgi, whoever wants.Posted 11 years ago # -
I have had a couple of attempts at installing and testing the SliTaz Prebuilt arm cross toolchain.
Running the README test
arm-slitaz-linux-gnuaebi-gcc -v -o test.out test.c
I have a missing file libmpc.so.2
I notice this library is only available in the cooking repository, but I'm guessing that it needs to be cross-compiled for the arm toolchain if it really is needed.
EDIT: I did find and install this x86 library from the Tazpanel and now dont get this error.
However, now I am missing libopcodes-2.22.so and that is not on the list.The next test command from the README is puzzling me a little.
readelf -h test.out
I would expect it should be
arm-slitaz-linux-gnuaebi-readelf -h test.out
as I think we are dealing with an arm elf there.
ThanksPosted 11 years ago # -
The cross.txt walk through does get me to the end sucessfully and the suggested tests work.
The arm-setup isn't found and I skipped.
If the arm toolchain is downloaded and installed the steps in cross.txt regarding the building of the toolchain may be skipped by the looks of things.
Somehow on both installations I have ended up with a cooking kernel in the grub startup even though I selected stable wherever possible. Maybe a package is doing an upgrade, Is there a way to lock it down to stable?
Thanks.Posted 11 years ago # -
You need to install <cross-arm-binutils> package from undigest:
Posted 11 years ago # -
The cross.txt walk through does get me to the end sucessfully and the suggested tests work.
The arm-setup isn't found and I skipped.cross.txt
26 Create a chroot (use last tazdev)
27 ---------------------------------
28 # tazdev gen-chroot --arch=arm
29 # tazdev chroot
31 Clone cookutils to get last cook and cross# wget http://mirror.slitaz.org/packages/cooking/tazdev-1.9.tazpkg
# tazpkg -i tazdev-1.9.tazpkgTry again!
Posted 11 years ago #
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