Everything freezes when I try to download something. Well, everything in midori freezes, and CPU hits 100%.
Why? can I fix this? Or is it just a matter of rebooting? Oh ya, and the download doesnt happen. I just shows the download window, but nothing in the window show up. E.g. the save button, the save as button, cancel, none of that. just a blank box.

CPU hit 100% when I try to download something in midori???
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
You can download Mozilla Firefox package and run script. Install firefox and the flash plugin to see youtube video
1) download package
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7xxd5-fkqJKc1ltVnVlYk0xMlU2) open console - xterm-like root enter directory where downloaded package
# cd install_firefox4) run script
#./install.shand ready firefox is ready to use and cra launcher on the desktop.
regardsPosted 12 years ago # -
Ok, so I installed firefox, and it solved the download problem, but I hit 100% CPU when I load EVERY webpage. So I type http://www.google.com in the address bar, and I hit enter. It starts to load, then I hit 100% CPU, then firefox freezes, then three seconds later googles website is on my screen. Is this normal?? Is there something wrong with firefox? on my copy of slitaz? (Running Live USB).
Posted 12 years ago #
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