Don't want SliTaz Live!!!
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
I installed SliTax 4 iso in a VMware virtual machine on my Windows7 setup. I got the iso from the top of the SliTaz download page. However, it behaves like a Live CD. When it boots, it gives me Live CD boot options, it always asks me for keyboard type and language options, and I can't install any packages because the disk is always 100% full. Where is the non-live iso download or how do I install it as a regular installation. Other than that it looks great. Really fast and really small. Love it.Posted 12 years ago #
Posted 12 years ago #
But try this first: http://tazpanel:82/installer.cgi?page=home
Note: The link above is meant to be accessed from the Live CD / USB
Posted 12 years ago #
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