Hello, as i don't manage to edit the last post I do a second one .
I'm a newbee. I tryed slitaz 5 rolling loram.: Fantastic !
But I didn't manage to install it ( ??)
When I reboot at the end of the installation I read this message: grub error 15 files no found. I read the forums and every where It's a question of menu.lst. Could you help me ? Thanks.

Error 15 files no found
(20 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 8 years ago #
Is it possible to install a low ram version ?
Posted 8 years ago # -
This problem is probably due to an incorrect grub configuration (menu.lst). I faced this problem in the past too, when I tryed to boot using a USB flash drive. In my case, grub was pointing to the wrong device: it was searching the boot files at the hard drive, instead of flash drive.
Did you use a flash drive to boot? Also, can you post the contents of your menu.lst?
Have a nice day!
Posted 8 years ago # -
Hello !
I use a cd live to boot. Where can I find menu.lst ? I'm still in live cd
Posted 8 years ago # -
So you will use the Live CD to access your SliTaz loram installed in your hard drive, am I right?
menu.lst is at /boot/grubIn a terminal (like XTerm), make:
$ su
<type your password; default is "root">
# cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
--- or ---
# pcmanfm
<navigate to /boot/grub and select the file>Copy and paste the content of the file here.
Posted 8 years ago # -
hello yes I tryed to install slitaz 5 rollin lowram on the hard drive but when I start the laptop: grub: error 15. So I have to use the Live cd to access ( to try to access menu.lst)
(tux@slitaz:~$ su
root@slitaz:/home/tux# cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
cat: can't open '/boot/grub/menu.lst': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type (no file of this type)
root@slitaz:/home/tux#)With pcmanfm, I don't find /boot
when I did the graphic install I was asked to install grub and I tick .
Posted 8 years ago # -
I tested slitaz-loram using VirtualBox and I think we have a problem with the file system and grub.
The first image is the menu.lst output for booting slitaz-loram. The original text is:
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-squashfs.ko root=/dev/sda1 video=-32 quiet
I corrected it to the real file name:
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-squashfs.koslitaz root=/dev/sda1 video=-32 quietAfter that, grub started. First problem: OK.
Te second image shows where the system freezes at boot. I'm not sure, but I think there is a problem with the squash filesystem. When one try to install slitaz-loram, the only options Gparted shows are ext2, ext3 and ext4; squash filesystem seems to be not supported.
At this point, I have no enough knowledge to help you, @calixtus06, so let's ask other more experienced users to help.
Posted 8 years ago # -
hello and thank you for you patience.
I've got almost the same screen . Yesterday I've seen and lost a post of Christophe (?) telling that it's impossible to install loram version..
Posted 8 years ago # -
If loram version can't be installed, you would try the normal slitaz rolling. As I read at this post: http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/advices-to-install-slitaz-5-rolling-loram
...you have 256 Mb of RAM, so it is possible to start slitaz LiveCD and install it at your hard drive.
Rolling automatically select the best version to boot according to the amount of RAM.Have a nice day!
Posted 8 years ago # -
hi Genesis, you don't speak french just in case ?
I 'm on slitaz 5 rollin (last release). Nothing works . No wifi, no shutdown, no package manager, no internet browser ...(?????)
I tryed tazpkg -gi midori in the terminal: it works.
Smtube is installed but " /usr/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4: file too short"
nothing to close terminal
Posted 8 years ago # -
Sorry @calixtus06, but I speak only english and portuguese.
If you have 256Mb, it seems that LiveCD choosed "gtkonly" to boot your computer.But gtkonly is quite limited and many SliTaz features are missing to save memory. I tested a LiveCD onto Virtualbox using gtkonly and it really don't have shutdown, package manager and internet browser.
I think if you want to use a complete SliTaz system, you will need to install it. Unfortunately, graphical installer isn't present at gtkonly, so you need to install Slitaz using a terminal. At this moment, I don't know how to install Slitaz using a terminal, so can't help you at this.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Hi all.
I have SliTaz Rolling 5.0 (current) installed on a computer with 128MB of memory, HD with 40GB and work fine.
Please calixtus06, choose a version of SliTaz (Rolling or Stable) and try a clean install. We have 32bit and 64bit. "Always check the ISO md5sum before burning the image on CD". In the CD boot options choice: SliTaz Live.
In extreme cases you can (CD Boot) choose the option: Web Boot. And run the system freely in memory and install on your hard drive.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Hello Hackdorte, I don't really understand how to check the iso mdsum before burning the image on cd. I would think that it was just before install on hard drive.
can you explain me . Thank you
Posted 8 years ago # -
@ calixtus06
Install Rolling from base: follow these instructions (take care, written for SliTaz 4.0; maybe you'll have to adapt them)
where # is the number of your / partition (I know you use a swap and a /home partition)TGT_FS="ext3"
with the type of the formatting you want (ext2 or ext3 or ext4)TGT_HOME=""
with the type of the formatting you want for /home (ext2 or ext3 or ext4)TGT_WINBOOT="auto"
if you don't need dual boot (No other OS installed)
Read TazInst manual for more informations (french version)
BTW, could someone add the links of the TazInst manual on pages http://doc.slitaz.org/en:start and other languages? Thanks.Posted 8 years ago # -
hello, wouah. If I well understood, I have to find tazinst somewhere. Tape in the terminal with command and option??
And after tape the 5 lines beginning by TGT ??
I have understood ?
I need a live cd for that I suppose ?
Posted 8 years ago #
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