Stò tentando di trasferire file dal cell al pc con una chiavetta BT, ma mi blocco quando devo usare il protocollo OBEX che non trovo fra i repositori c'è qualche possibilità di farlo ?
File transfer OBEX
(4 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
I'm trying to transfer files from cell to PC with a USB BT, but I hang when I use the OBEX protocol which is not located between the repositories is there any chance to do it?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Maybe... SliTaz 3 has two problems that make it hard to use Bluetooth and using OBEX.
First off, there is no mobile apps like gnokii in the repository. Not so bad because you could just convert it over from the debian package.
The second problem is a little worse and is luckily fixed in cooking and the up and coming SliTaz 4. The problem is that SliTaz 3 doesn't have complete Bluetooth support - or more exactly, it doesn't have port binding (rfcomm) support compiled in. Meaning you can't connect to the phone so an application like gnokii can work.
It /is/ possible to compile support for it and this guide ( tells you how. Personally I would suggest just going with cooking for now and following the above guide to get the basics working. SliTaz 3 also gives a graphical box to help with this can be found at "Red Spider Button"---> System Tools ---> Hardware detection and drivers and click the bluetooth button after plugging in the device.
Posted 13 years ago # -
thanks for the reply I made some attempt
with the guide you posted but I get the pairing.
Since I have some difficulty with English I will study more thoroughly the article ... thxPosted 13 years ago #
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